Suspicious (part seven)

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Tsumaki was starting to feel nervous about the fact that they were getting closer and closer to the island where one of her father's friends was. She couldn't help but feel a bit anxious, and she started to slowly distance herself from the crew even more because of it. She became more detached and colder, not wanting to talk or hang out with them as often. She even started to keep her basic feelings hidden from them, preferring to focus on herself instead of engaging with the crew.

"Tsumaki, save me please!" Chopper screams, running towards her while trying to avoid getting caught by luffy.

"Luffy stop." I threaten, just trying to calm my nerves.

"...No." Luffy replies, not scared; but a bit
intimidated by my tone of voice.

"Chopper...go ask Zoro for help. I'm busy." I mumble.

"Hey Tsumaki." Luffy sputters, which catches me off guard.

"Luffy I don't have time for this."

"Tsumaki...are we not nakama? Why are you so mean to us now?" Luffy starts, and he sounds a bit hurt. "Did we do something wrong? Or did we push you to hard to fight back at Alabasta? Please tell me..I can't live to see my friends so sad." Luffy finishes, I assume in hopes of me changing up my attitude, but he fails miserably.

"Luffy you to talk much..." I murmur and leave to the girls room. Gosh, cant a girl have peace and quiet nowadays?


Luffy: "well that went bad..."

Chopper: "what is going on with her?"

Robin: "I haven't known her for as long as you guys have, but I think she might be a bit shaken up from Alabasta. She was the only one to have to kill someone, it must have just recently hit her."

Nami: "I guess you're right...thanks robin."

Usopp: "Wait, wait, wait. Are we just going to let it go? She is definitely suspicious these days. I've been spying on her and-"

Nami: "Spying on her?!"

Usopp tries to respond but instead gets a kick to the head.

Nami: "you can't spy on girls!"

Usopp: "you didn't hear me out though!"

Nami: "nobody wants to hear you out."

Luffy: "I want to know."

Nami: "wait,what?"

Luffy: "yes. I need to know what's happening to Tsumaki and I will find out as soon as possible ."

Usopp: "well I'm sure she is a demon."

Chopper: "A DEMON?!?"

Robin: "oh my."

Usopp: "yeah! She hasn't been eating unless it's some type of juice. And I read that demons only have certain foods or they die!"

Nami: "Usopp, shut up. Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable eating in front if people, and that is normal. Even though I'm also suspicious, we shouldn't jump to conclusions."

After all this was said, they all agreed and went to do their own things on the ship. Sanji was quietly listening in on the conversation from the inside of the kitchen, and heard everything about Tsumaki not eating. Of course he knew she wasn't eating, but he didn't think that the other crew members would also notice.

Siren voice - sanji x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن