Everyone has secrets (part six)

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Tsumaki continued to spend time with the crew, and it became clear that she was becoming very fond of them. She enjoyed hanging out with them and listening to their stories, and she even started to open up a bit about her own past of performing. Luffy was always happy to see her and ask her silly questions, while Zoro and Sanji would often butt heads about who was the better fighter. Chopper was always thrilled to show off his newest medicinal finds, while Robin would share interesting stories from her travels.

And yes, robin and chopper was here now.

"Tsumaki , save me please!" Chopper screams, running towards her while trying to avoid getting eaten by Luffy.

Yep. Today is one of those days that Luffy ate all the food and there isn't any more. Alas, poor Chopper always becoming emergency food once Luffy notices his own mistakes.

"Luffy stop. I'll get you food if you leave chopper alone okay?"


"Yes really."


"Okay give me a minute." I sigh, picking up chopper and walking to the girls room.

That's right, I haven't gotten over my image just yet. I do eat with the crew sometimes, but other times I give the birds food or store it so it doesn't expire. I know sanji would get mad but what's the worst he could do? He hates me anyway.

I arrive in the girls room and pull out a seal tight container full of bread, steak, fruits, and vegetables from last night. They wouldn't be expired....just a bit warm.

"Why do you have yesterday's dinner here?" Chopper asks, a bit concerned.

"It's just the leftovers from yesterday, don't worry. I have a small appetite and I keep the food I don't eat in these containers so I can feed the birds or...feed Luffy."

"Ahh okay!" Chopper responds.

"Mhm." I hum, as I walk downstairs to give the container to Luffy.

"WOWW IT LOOKS DELICIOUS!" Luffy exclaims as he runs towards me.

"Give it!"

"HEY. No."

"But you said-"

"Apologise to chopper and then I'll give it to you."

"Sorry chopper" Luffy says, dragging out the words.

"It's okay!"

"Now please give it to me!"

"Okay here."I say, giving Luffy the steak and fish with mashed potatoes from yesterday. I told sanji to make that since I used to eat those on my cheat days and it was my turn to pick what to eat. I thought it would bring back some good memories but I guess not.

"Tsumaki." Zoro calls out. Seeming like he was annoyed at me but, he gets interrupted by Luffy burping.

"Yeah?" I reply, trying not to laugh at Zoro's face

"Where did you get that from?"

"Oh, um...the food ?"

"Is that not from yesterday"

"It's the leftovers from yesterday"

"Mmm...okay." Zoro says, ending the dreadful conversation.

I can't be keeping this secret forever but I will keep it for as long as possible. I know I'm going to be found soon enough so, I have to be prepared. I need to become as cold as possible so when I disappear, they won't be sad.

Gosh...when did I start caring about these idiots?

Tsumaki's change in attitude was so sudden that it caught everyone by surprise. One day she was happy and carefree, but the next she was distant and cold. The crew noticed it at once and couldn't help but wonder what had happened to their friend. They tried to ask her about it, but she remained silent and refused to answer. Even Luffy's cheerful demeanor seemed to have no effect on her. As the days went by, it became clear that Tsumaki was keeping something from the crew, and they were determined to find out what it was.

Nami: "hey Tsumaki, you know you can talk to us right?"

"Yeah...of course I know."

Nami: "Is there something bothering you?"

"Why would anything be bothering me? I'm just fine."

Nami: "Alrighty then...do come to me if you have a problem though?"

Tsumaki hummed and she shooed nami off, not even batting an eye at her.

Nami: "Fine, keep your secrets." She says, flipping her short, ginger hair and walking off.

Hi guys! I know this is a short chapter...actually way shorter than the other one but I rlly didn't know what to put in this chapter. I do think this will help with the next chapter I write though, and hopefully I'll have 100 reads by then!

Edit: guys I decided to change up the story a bit so if you notice Y/N is called Tsumaki now that's why lol.
Don't worry you will be back to Y/N soon enough

Love you♥️

806 words

To be continued...🧊

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