Who was that..? (Part two)

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(The king held a banquet for his children once they came back and the whole village was invited.)

I was starting to get overwhelmed at the sight of hundreds of people coming, our village had a population of 400 but I didn't expect everyone to show up. I couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm seeing unfamiliar faces, people fighting, baby's crying, and so much more I couldn't handle.

Father told me to go on a walk before we eat so I could keep my "performer body." but I didn't care because I just wanted to get away from everybody so I walked to the dock where my ship was.

As I was inching closer to my ship I saw another ship at dock, so obviously I done the thing you would expect someone to do.

I ran.

Once we landed at dock I saw a shadow running. I found it suspicious but I didn't pay any kind to it while I was putting down the anchor. I looked back at the crew and-

"OOOH I CAN SMELL MEAT LETS GO!" Luffy said clearly exited about the smell coming from this place.

"Hold on Luffy don't go to fa-" Nami cut cut off when Luffy jumped of the ship in a hurry.

"LUFFY I SWEAR WHEN I CATCH YOU." Nami shouted loud enough that it made usopp hide behind Zoro .

"Let's just go already." Zoro spit out, clearly un-interested in what even is going on as he follows in Luffy's footsteps at gets off of the ship while dragging usopp.

"NAMI SANNNN~ come m'lady I will help you get off the ship."

"I can get off the ship by myself thank you." NAMI muttered as she had no energy left to shout.

As everyone got off the ship, we all got hit with the fumes of steak, vegetables, wine, sake, seafood boil and much more.

I alerted the royal security about the un-identified pirates and father came in at that same time.

"WHAT HAPPENED." Shouted father as he walked into the room, towering over me.

"Oh I was just letting the se-"

"WHO SAID YOU COULD TALK?" Roared father as he tell us so save our voice.

I shake my head as nobody told me I could talk.

"WELL THATS TOO BAD, YOU CANT EAT TONIGHT ANYMORE." Announced father as he walked out of the room.

I nod as I can't go against his word and I leave the castle. But I have something on my mind.


Sanji thought back on the figure he saw and mumbled to himself:
"Who was that...?"

To be continued...🍷

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