Im taking a break 🌹 (you dont have to read)

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So technically I have two cats and technically one of them had this fungal infection called ringworm and we gave her medicine and stuff then she got better. But now our second cat got it and his one got infected and started to smell, he got dehydrated, and couldn't walk straight so my mum took him to the vet a couple hours ago and about 3 hours ago they said that he might die. Then about two hours ago they called and said that they need to give him injections to try and get him to vomit for some reason and a specialist will come tomorrow and check on him but it's a 50/50 chance he will survive.

So that's why I'm taking a break from writing but I might update in about a month depending on how the situation goes. (No promises)

I do have a page I'm writing right now though so yeah.

Pls pray for my cat♥️

Drink water and eat your meals!

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