U came out walking like a zombie with exhaustion subtitled all over ur face

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U came out walking like a zombie with exhaustion subtitled all over ur face.

Y/n:"Another day finished with getting tons of homeworks and nothing else. Sometimes i just can't help but think that am i finishing the school or the school is finishing me.

Right now all i need it sleep. Ahhhh.....Why school has to be so exhausting. I can't understand why i should we pass our exams and schools when we can just pass out or pass away.

Milo:"ma'am the car is ready."

Y/n:"where is ur boss isn't he's the one who was supposed to pick me up."

Enzo:"sir said the is stuck in some work so we will be taking u to his office."

U pout but nevertheless got inside the car.


The door opened as everyone looked up since no one is allowed to come inside without knocking but then they understand since the door was opened by u

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The door opened as everyone looked up since no one is allowed to come inside without knocking but then they understand since the door was opened by u.

U halted on ur steps noticing the whole room was packed up with people and one the last corner of the room u noticed ur husband sitting with a look that u couldn't understand.

V/wife:"hi y/n-iee long time no see. How are u?"

Y/n:"i am good unnie."

Jin/wife:"u look worn out sweetie."

Y/n:"i am unnie. I feel so tired."

SG/wife:"take some rest. Then we will go."

Y/n:"go Where?"

JM/wife:"jungkook didn't told u. Anyway we are going for shopping for the vacation."


JH/wife:"why only oh. Aren't u excited?"

Y/n:"i never really went for shopping before."

RM/wife:"what but why. Don't u like to do shopping. Most girls like it."

Y/n:"it's not that unnie. I wasn't allowed for it. Besides i had everything before i could even ask and i mean everything. I never really had to ask for anything and even if i had to. Eomma or appa or someone else would bring it to me immediately."

V/wife:"still....what about when u had to attend a sudden party or something like that u know...."

Y/n:"i highly ever got out from my home. I don't even used to go to school. Once in a week or a month i would go to school and come back home directly. "

U said and shrugged ur shoulders as id it was normal for u and it is normal for u. They all shared a sad and sincere look feeling bad obviously thinking that u probably were caged up all ur life.

Which isnt really the truth surely Ur parents were scared about ur safety all time but u also never didn't had the courage to even get out from ur home. U liked to stay inside and just be like the way u want. Ur home was ur safe place.

Even now u don't like to go out much cause most of the time it's either school or hospital or office and when u go out for real u will have tons and tons of bodyguards to ensure ur safety.

When Jungkook tries to take u out, u only prefer to stay inside and cuddle with him or watch a movie. Cause according to u if he would take u somewhere than he will book the whole place just for u two. Or it would be any super Fancy restaurants where u both would eat.

Which u don't like or enjoy. He always have to cut up ur dishes for u and the time it takes makes u annoyed. So for u it's better if u just order it home and eat however the way u want while watch a movie and enjoy.

But of course none of them really knows about this stuffs. Jungkook mostly tells his huyngs about the moments u both spend together or things related to ur health.

He would always keep ur preference and likings private.



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