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JK:"can I get the first aid kit?"

Y/m:"I will bring it."

She went upstairs while y/d took a seat in front of him.



Y/d:"I am sorry son to drag u in this mess

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Y/d:"I am sorry son to drag u in this mess."

JK:"what are u talking about dad. I am more honoured to know that u trust me on her. Don't worry about it."

Y/d:"pls don't take with ur heart whatever she said before."

JK:"of course not dad. I know she wasn't in her right mind. Umm also dad I swear I never forced her unless it's about her br......."

Y/d:"hahah u don't have to explain yourself son. I know this dramatic girl well even during her panic attacks she won't stop being dramatic."

JK:"so u guys aren't able to scold her cause she will use it during her worse situation as well."

Y/d:"yeah. It always makes us scared that maybe her health will get more worse so we never said anything to her and this girl used it as her weapon and got away with everything. Being dramatic is in her genz."

Y/m:"and she got those gene from her appa didn't she."

Y/d:"aish This isn't the time to taunt me."

Y/m:"yeah yeah of course. Anyway son here's the first aid kit and here take this bag with u."

JK:"what's this mom?"

Y/m:"it has all y/n's medicines and medical reports along with her personal doctor and therapist numbers. It will be easier for u find anything if something again happens. I am sure she will again get nightmares and panic attacks so keep this bag close to u.

I was about to give to on ur weeding day but u guys left early."

Y/d:"u could have just send this with y/n's luggage."

Mrs Choi rolled her eyes at Mr Choi's remark.

Y/m:"ur amazing daughter could have probably just throw them away the moment she saw them."

JK:"but aren't they are for her own good."

Y/m:"she doesn't care about it."

JK:"gosh she really is something."

Y/d:"well this is what she got from her eomma."

They started there bickering while Jungkook shook his head.

JK:"I take back what I said not only my wife but her whole family is really something.... oh also let's not forget  'my family' they are best friends after all."

Jungkook thought in his mind and took out a wet wipe wiping ur face with it.

He looked at ur peaceful face except for those time to time sniffing. He then treated ur knees wondering how u probably got them.

MR PERFECT'S BABY WIFE [ BTS JEON JUNGKOOK (JK) FF ] (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now