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Jungkook looked at u for the last time before going out with the tray.




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Jungkook came back in their shared bedroom and saw u still just as u were before. He slowly pulled down the duvet from ur face and saw u sleeping peacefully with a pout. It was ur habbit whenever u would fall asleep a pout automatically appears on ur face which Jungkook finds really cute. He removed the hairs which were on ur face covering ur cute yet beautiful face.

Jungkook sadly smiles looking at u as he gently stroked ur hair. He obviously felt bad and guilty because no matter what no one deserves their first day of marriage to be like this. He himself didn't wanted it either but things just turned out like that.

Being soft or submissive was never his type he doesn't remembers when was the last time he was soft towards someone also he just can't be soft towards u.

even if he wants to be soft towards u he can't because once he becames soft towards u you won't ever listen to him no matter what and it was true that is why it parents also couldn't do anything or scold u anymore because everytime u would do something to get away from every matter and that is why Mr Choi clearly told him not to be soft towards u and be strict only then u would come to the right path.

Mr Choi was well aware about Jungkook's personality and he knew that Jungkook was perfect for his daughter and he can handle her perfectly otherwise Mr Choi could have never agreed to get his daughter married to him.

Mr Choi's words were playing inside his head. Jungkook's thoughts got cut off when his phone rang. It was secretary, he went outside before picking up the call.


Jungkook was working on some files in his office room when someone came inside without knocking

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Jungkook was working on some files in his office room when someone came inside without knocking. He looked up annoyed because he doesn't likes when someone comes inside his home office let alone without knocking.

MR PERFECT'S BABY WIFE [ BTS JEON JUNGKOOK (JK) FF ] (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now