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9th january 2024

Y/n's POV

It's been a week since that day.
I still hadn't contacted Yoona even though I'm worried sick about Hae-in.

I did say 'few days' but now this has become something that I can't solve in a few days.

So I decided to contact her today and tell her to bring Hae-in to the location where I'm living right now.

-few hours later-

Hae-in is with me now.
I thanked her for doing me this favor

It was not easy to calm her down, she started crying and was asking why I left her.

Of course she is going to cry if I suddenly disappear from her sight for a whole damn week and appear again!!!

Now I'm feeding her because Yoona said that she refused to eat anything and barely ate something.

I noticed something on her wrist while feeding her and i asked her "Hae-in who gave you this? "

She answered, "Josh uncle gave me"

Ohh! must be her(Yoona) cousin, she once told me about him.

"Mom give me the plate I can eat on my own, now I've grown"

"No, half of the food ends up on the floor. " Y/n replied calmly.

I'm okay with cleaning her mess after all she has to learn to eat on her own it's just that the place we are in there is nothing literally nothing, it was fine when I was alone but now I have to buy things.

Why I didn't till now?
We are going back to where we were living, so there is no need for that.

Y/n: Did anything happened when you were with Yoona aunt?

Hae-in: No, but her house was sooo big.

After saying that Hea-in remembered how her mom left her without her knowing, she again started asking

"Mom, why did you leave me?"
With teary eyes.

Y/n: don't worry baby I'm never going to leave you. I just had too much work to do nothing else.
I said while hugging her

I mean....

I can't tell her that her 'father' is chasing me since the day she was born.

That f*cking psycho.

This is the third time this is happening, he is always trying to attack me more like harming Hae-in but just trying not actually doing it. Because I'm with her. His people can't do anything to me Or they will be the ones who might die.

What about when she is in school?
They don't know how she looks they just know her name.
In her school no one exists with the name of Hae-in.

Whenever we both are together in public I always have my face covered.

I am absolutely certain that it's him.

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