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Lee chan

24 years oldA hackerKnew C

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24 years old
A hacker
Knew C.S.C for a while when he was a teenager.
Was tracking Y/n for years but she somehow escaped every time.
Because of Yo-han he abandoned his family or that's what he wants to show him.
Sided with Y/n recently


Before this chp let me tell you something

Seung-cheol lost his memories in an accident and after that he slowly is remembering everything.

He almost knows everything just doesn't know a few people's faces and identities.


Someone did this and that but don't know who that someone is


Third person POV:

Today was the first time ever someone else was going to sleep with Y/n and Hae-in except a friend of hers.

Y/n still doesn't trust him completely but it'll awkward if she asked Mr.kim to let him sleep with him so she let him sleep in the living room.

(The other two bedrooms were filled with things and it is a mess there. )

She locked the door and windows from inside with chains so he would not escape and there was nothing in the whole house which would help him to break that chain. She and Hae-in slept together in her bedroom as always.

-next morning-

Chan woke up early, since he had nothing to do so he again closed his eyes to sleep and just then Y/n opened the door of her bedroom and came outside with Hae-in.

Hae-in asked her who he was
She told her that he was her friend who is going to stay with them for a while.

After doing all the morning things they are now going to the school. Chan is going with them too. Since he had a mask and hat already so it was fine for him to go outside if necessary.

He didn't get out of her car when they stopped to leave Hae-in.
She was ready to start the car again when he unintentionally blurted out,

"Looks just like her father, with that blue mark on her iris and she looks like you in many ways"

It was good that Hae-in was not with them.

"Hey, we don't talk about that here so make sure to not to talk about that again"

The ride was silent after that.

And they stopped in front of a mall why? He has nothing and he can't go back because they are probably looking for him because he was not living alone but with some other men who are associated with Yo-han.

DESTINY: The Beginning of Destruction (choi seungcheol of svt ff) Where stories live. Discover now