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Third person POV:

January 1st 2024

It was four in the morning Y/n was asleep, not until someone else woke up and started to cry.

After hearing all those noises she finally woke up and stared at a little toddler who was crying beside her after waking up.

After seeing Y/n awake she stopped crying and started smiling at her.

Y/n took her on her lap and hugged her while saying
"Happy birthday my baby, Hae-in! "

Hae-in started repeating what Y/n was saying "Happy birthday"

"What you want to do today? "

"I want to go to the amusement park" She answered in excitement.

Hea-in is now a five year old.

Since Hae-in wakes up early everyday it's normal now for both of them to start their day early.

After bathing her and feeding her and putting her in her playpen, Y/n finally goes to wash up

Yes she is a little bit old for playpen but now it's just an area where she goes whenever she wants to go and get out from it.

After having breakfast a couple of hours later she and Hae-in both dressed up as now they have to go to the nursery school (or pre-school)

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

After having breakfast a couple of hours later she and Hae-in both dressed up as now they have to go to the nursery school (or pre-school) .

-In front of the nursery/pre-school-

After giving Hea-in a hug

Y/n: Bye baby, I'll pick you up today and not yoona aunt okay?

Hae-in: yaaaay!!! okay bye-bye mommy, remember what you promised in the morning.

Every time she hears this word from Hae-in she feels guilty for what happened when she was born.

Today she took paid leave for Hae-in's birthday, usually all day after nursery school Hae-in goes to a daycare centre with Y/n's closest friend hong yoona.

Fortunately the daycare centre and her workplace are not that far from Hae-in's school.

(Y/n and Hae-in are living in a flat which is on the first floor of the building named Victoria.)

She returns home, wears comfortable clothes and starts gathering what she needs for baking the cake and for decorations.

She was all done with the birthday preparation in a few hours.
Y/n dressed up again as her plan was to go to an amusement park with Hae-in.

-Few hours later-

Both Y/n and Hae-in are now in an amusement park.

Both were now tired after riding the rides.

Y/n pulls out her phone from her pocket and calls yoona.
Y/n: Is everything ready?
Yoona: Yes, when both of you are coming?
Y/n: Okay, we'll be there in an hour, I hope Hae-in will like our present.
Yoona: Yes she'll, it's all her favorite things.
Y/n: Yeah okay I'll hang up now or Hae-in will go somewhere without me knowing.

She looked at Hae-in who was enjoying her ice cream with it being all over her face.
She cleaned her face and said

"It's time to go home, the sun is starting to set"

Hae-in started crying because she didn't want to leave.
"Baby, don't you want to know what birthday gift mommy wants to give you? "
Hae-in nodded

Y/n gave Hae-in her favorite plushy which was in her tote bag and she stopped crying

Y/n gave Hae-in her favorite plushy which was in her tote bag and she stopped crying

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

-In the parking lot of building Victoria-
(Yes, she owns a car)

Both got out of the car and were on their way home when Y/n saw a man standing at the entry way of the building, his back was facing her.

she saw a tattoo on the back of his arm, after seeing that tattoo her eyes widened in shock and fear.

She quietly entered the building with Hae-in in her arms and quickly climbed the stairs and entered in her flat,
Fortunately Hae-in didn't make any noises because she was tired.

Lights were turned off which eventually were turned on by Yoona while saying "surprise!! "

But the look on her (Y/n) face was nothing near happiness or excitement when Yoona saw her.
She was terrified by something.

Yoona: What happened Y/n? Why are you looking so scared?

While holding Hae-in tightly she answered,
"He found me again Yoona, why is he doing this I don't understand. "
After hearing that, Yoona knew what was happening.

-Few minutes later-

Y/n: I'm sorry for asking this out of nowhere but please for a few days can you take care of Hae-in? all day she'll be in her school and daycare so just at night.

Yoona: It's fine you don't have to apologize we are like a family, I'll take care of her but what about you? What are you going to do?

Y/n: Thank you so much! Even I don't know what I'm going to do, but don't worry I'll handle it.

She kept checking whether that man is still there or not from the window. After he was gone she packed the things of Hae-in and gave it to Yoona.

She hugged Hae-in one last time who was asleep now and kissed her forehead and said,

"Sorry baby but I'll make
sure that we'll celebrate your birthday next year without any worry" And bid goodbyes with Yoona.

Y/n was in no condition to explain anything to Hae-in Or lie about anything so she decided to not say anything to her.

English is not my first language👽

DESTINY: The Beginning of Destruction (choi seungcheol of svt ff) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora