We wont end how we started chapter 1:

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I was laying in my bed when my mama came and shook me awake "mama stop it's 8am".
"I don't care Mariana you have to start getting ready you have someone to meet today like your father said your of age now it's your duty to marry and carry the family name". "No mama I don't want to marry". "Mariana if I have to tell you again I'll get your father. "Fine I'm up I'm up". "Good now I'll send one of the maids up to help you".

As my mum exists the room I make sure to close my eyes and try and get an extra 5 minutes of sleep before Gloria gets here to get me ready. Within seconds I was peacefully sleeping until I had beams of light shake me awake. "Good morning mam your mother sent me up to get you ready". "Gloria you know better then to call me mam call me Anna". "Yes Anna".

After 20 minutes Gloria finally decides she's happy with my look and I'm ready to meet my fait so I muster up the courage in me to decent the stair case and when I reach the bottom I bump into a hard surface just to look up and be met with the most Sturn eyes I've ever seen I swallowed any spit I had remaining in my mouth. "Omg I'm so sorry please forgive me I didn't mean to". "That's okay princess I see you must be Charlie's girl". "Yes sir". "Well then why are you here and not with your husband hm ?". "Well um I don't have one sir". "Oh well I see you must be-. "Mathew please join me in my study we have matters to discuss".

The second he left I realised I reconized him father to the mafia king  Mathew gray the most handsome made man in Italy but I will not let myself fall for a made man Like him he will strip me of all emotion or love I have ever felt until I am nothing then make me believes him loves me and repeat and repeat until my heart is practically nothing.

While in office....
"Mr black I understand your daughter isn't married".
"No mr gray that she is not however she is going to be meeting a list of suitors-
"There is no need for that mr black"
"And that is why hm ?".
"She will marry Charlie my son soon to be the mafias king she and him will form the blood bond allegiance these family's have bet on for years".

We'll skip the boring parts but let's just say whiskey was poured and documents were signed.

Word count:448

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