Loving Arms

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Chapter 34

Three weeks later.....

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there you have it we aren't thirty minutes into the voting, and Prince Karma of Ocula has made Earth Prime history. The first Cyclops to become a Senator. The first Cyclops to elevate from junior senate candidacy to the senior level and the first of his kind to become Senator0 Chair leading senior senate and representing all 75 States of America in Washington DC.

There are so many firsts on this election night people kf Earth Prime. We pray for the speedy recovery of Princess Karma, our very own Cinderella.

Congratulations, Senator Prince Kyros Ocula and Junior Senator Marquese Dutch Ocuala of Planet Ocula. Congratulations to you, Marquese, on your new Ocualan Title, and congratulations on your engagement to your childhood sweetheart Fluti Ocula.

This is Dionne Drake
Live from Earth Prime Manhattan Island Times Squae as the celebration continues behind me back to you, Roy!

Kyros cut the TV down. He looked to Karma's belly showing according to the earth gynecologist she was the equivalent of two months pregnant although it had been three weeks.

Kyros went to shower when he came out Karma was gone. He ran about the large suite she was on the patio he had built the moonlight hitting exactly where the baby bassinets would be at night.

Kyros ran to the balcony. Baby? It's hot. Haha, I'm sorry honey he ran to her kissing and holding her close. What the hell happened, Kyros?

He explained all she had missed. I met Posieden. Really? Yes, he woke me up and said it was time. I was with him the whole time. Really? Yes, he said my blood needed to build for the babies to be strong, so he had to keep me still while my body directed proper blood flow to the twins.

When the twins were old and strong enough, he woke me. Kyros, it was a paradise he allowed me to stay in his palace under the sea. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. You were in Atlantis, baby? Yes, she smiled weakly. I was in Atlantis. The closet she pointed. Kyros rushed to the closet there was a full wardrobe foe Karma with hand-made glorious crowns made by Poseiden himself.

Poseiden made those for me. I watched him make them Kyros. He made them from finds under the sea. This one has a sea horse on it. That is , baby sea horses are as large as our land horses. They are just that horses for the sea. I loved them so much because they are gentle, kind creatures. These are beautiful babies. Karma sat up, wincing in pain. Easy baby easy. Kyros ran for the healers. No kyros, not yet.

Poseisen wants you to rule Ocula after you leave the senate. Your sister is to step down. He said he will make this known to her it is not for you or I to say. The last bit of news, baby, please have a seat. Kyros sat staring at Karma. Are you leaving me, baby?

Karma smiled not if you paid me prince charming. Kyros wiped his eyes, holding her hand. Thank you, baby. For what? Stopping a catastrophic was with the Valkorian. That was my intent. I will not let these people suffer as I had as a child this planet destroyed like some parts of the prime still are. Domed off because they are radiation zones. It's one of those zones I grew up in Kyros. You are marrying a child of war.

I go to the edge of the dome and lay flowers because that is where my family died. I will not visit ocula and lay flowers because my husband and his family were killed here. I'd rather die first. Karma grabbed his hand there is more baby. What vexes you my love? Lor did not send Liza to kill Lor...your mother sent her to kill me. I guess she was a bad shot remember I was sitting close to Lor anyway. She raised the gun haphazardly pointing because of my war training I saw her aim was off and she was going to hit Lor but the bullet was mine and your mother sanctioned the hit. Posieden? Yes. Olease does not want me with you or want me on the planet she hates earthlings because. She was quiet come on baby Kyros shook her hand. She was in love with one when your father was seeing Christopher's mother who is Wade? Kyros' eyes lit he was our Gardner he grew up with mother. He went back to the Prime with his family a year later he married. They were in love Kyros when he left Ocula he left without her. Yes Karma she is Queen regent was he supposed to just sweep her off her feet? She stared at him smiling yes. There comes a time in anyone's life where service to others end and service to one's self begins Kyros. She lost the man she loved from a child and subsequently she hates humans. He shook his head yes. Heavy is the crown Kyros. Yes baby heavy it is what do you suggest? We keep it between the three of us and find out if Wyatt is still alive. What about Julian? Poseiden didn't show me Julian her heart is attached to Wyatt now and always. Look at you you're willing to bypass what mother did Karma? What will her punishment do but cause discord? What will punishment her more me knowing what she did and forgiving her or trying to publicly shame her? Kyros chuckled public shame. No hehe. As you wish Cinderella he leaned in kissing her softly rubbing her belly.

Well, Lor asked for your hand in marriage and offered to pay me so much money and resources we will never need again. Karma laughed. He assured my children would sit on his throne and run his planet.

What did you do to him Kyros teased. Showed him love and compassion and sorrow for his loss and really meant it. He has so many wives and children yet none of them truly love him. Imagine having everything but having nothing at all Kyros?

It would be a sad existence, my love. Lor erected a statue of you on Valkoria and now you're a Valkoria Goddess had it written in his books and records. The United Federation for peace also want you as a junior peace liason. You would have to go to school but that's nothing I told Sincere. He agreed and was impressed with your negotiation tactics.

Well? Well what baby? What did Lor and Sincere say? Did they agree to the proposal...on paper? Yes my love signed sealed and delivered one day after Lors assination attempt.

What happened to Liza? Buried with Christopher in the Royal cemetery as were his wishes this way his son could visit anytime he pleases. He will live with us and Pia will raise him since she longs for children and hasn't hand any as of yet.

That sounds fair Karma grinned as the healers entered praying Posieden for her return. Go go the heels rushed him out happily to examine her and the babies.

Kyros looked back smiling thanking Posieden for her return to his loving arms.

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