Friday Follies

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Chapter 7

Kyros exited the elevator holding Karmas hand. He stopped her in the hall kissing her again. What was that for? For making me feel alive again Karma.

I feel the same. They stood staring in each other's eye's. Where are you going Karma? Home I put in for the day off. Would you like to see me later? Let me think? She placed her finger to her cheek yep hehe. What time? Is 8 to late? No sir movie? Sure I've never been. Okay see you at 8? Yes baby.

Dutch was nervous here he handed Kyros the roses he gave her the night before. Walk out and say thank you for a wonderful first date. Karma hi my name is Dutch I am his campaign manager pleasure to meet you. Same Karma held out her hand Dutch kissed it.

Oh she smiled such gentlemen. So Karma you say so did I. She nodded. Kyros when can I see you again? Karma.. I will call when I have an opening in my schedule. She laughed. What? That sounds so cliche Dutch. Then what do you suggest. I'll improvise. He smiled I like her. Are you both ready?

Yes. Yes. The doors opened the camera's flashed was they were rushed by the press. Before they could ask a question Kyros began. I had a wonderful first date sweetie. So did I. Kyros lay the roses in her arms. Thank you they are beautiful Prince Kyros. They wain to your beauty my dear Kyros kissed her hand.

Awwwww the press cooed snapping thousands of photos. Excuse me the press made a path kyros walked Karma to her car the door slid back I had a wonderful time Prince Kyros. When can I see you again? Karma tippy toed kissing Kyros whispering in his ear. He laughed his smile lighting the late morning she got in her car waving he stood in the middle of the street waving back.

He stared while she was gone smiling. He turned around running back up the open pass before they could close in on him. Prince Kyros! What's her name! Prince Kyros are you seeing her again!

He entered the house the doors closing behind him.

Kyros sat in the dining area. Dutch clapped as he turned the TV on. He flipped the stations Kyros and Karma were in everyone following that story was the mass Exodus of the homeless pets to Ocula.

Kyros' phone rang open com. The TV showed his mother. Good morning Kyros. Good afternoon mother. I saw the intergalactic news on the peace planets channels. She sat staring at her son saying nothing. What mother? You and Dutch are allowing the press to focus on this earth girl what about problems of our planet son? Mother Dutch and I know what we are doing we are at 91% in the polls since I started seeing Karma.

Ninety one?! Yes mother please inform the peace commission of the new numbers. Oh, they know they have been getting Dutch's transmissions as well as Julian's at the consulate. How is Julian? Dutch turned his back grinning knowing she was sweet on him. You should know mother he was in my country castle with you last week.

She grinned who told you? My ring camera. Your what? A system they have on earth when you ring the front door bell it shows my kn my cell com who is at the door mother.

Leave that spy technology on earth prime she giggled. Too late it will be on every entry and exit kf the palace even the secret ones. We have enemies we need to see them speak of this technology to no one mother. I won't my handsome boy. Julian is coming home next week I'd like a flower that Cinderella was holding when she left. How about I send you the plants to lay down in our gardens? I'd like that what are they called? Yellow roses mother. Do they have other colors? Yes Regent Queen. Send me one of each. How about 10 of each so Antonia can plant them at the capitol garden house. Thank you son.

How are my baby brothers? All are fine your baby sister wants to come to earth and skip her studies here. She is 10 mother a woman now. She can make her own decisions but tell her wait until I am elected and if not she can still come.

I'm not ready to let her go Kyros. Mother you have 13 boys--

And two girls Kyros that is all two is all Posiedoeon saw for to bless me with do you think he was fair? Mother I dare not speak upon Posideon and what he deems fair or not. When the God of War Aries came to me letting me know we would win the blood war I forgot to say ask Posieden why he only gave mother two girls.

Hehehe I understand. Mother you forget something. What is that my handsome son? Posiden bless you with thirteen boys yes? Yes my son. Will those thirteen sons have thirteen wives? Yes my son. Will those wives be your daughters regent Queen? Yes she giggled. Then I say Posiden knew what he was doing in his Devine wisdom mother he blessed you with fifteen daughters the thirteen you'll inherit and the two you currently have.

Shall I go into potential female grandchildren? You are correct I will have the maid's update the dress room. What is that Mother? A room your sister Queen and ai created instead of tossing all our old dresses even the baby dresses. The room is grand the seamstresses have dresses showcased on mannequins. My wedding gown and your sister's gown is there.

How is she holding up mother you know with Morgan dying in the war so shortly after they married. She is holding up she has suitor requests.  However, they've been placed on hold because her eldest brother is away on  on a crusade for peace. This gives her proper time to mourn and I do not think she is ready for love Kyros.

How many days of mourning does she have left mother? One year then she must start considering a new mate or--

Or what mother? Step down... hand the throne to you. Our people want this anyway. Why because I am male? No of course not.  They've known since her birth a Queen would rule Ocula. You've won the war Kyros you U
united us with the Federarion for interplanetary peace. You bought Prince Sincere here a seven circles God in the flesh. How many people can say they met a God in their lifetime son? Yet none of it would have happened without the Queens permission mother. To answer your question

I can twice met a god that is. Exactly Aries came to you and gave you his breastplate and sword foged by Poseiden so you could win the war. All these things make the senate and the people of Ocula want you to rule.

Kyros was quiet sipping earth latte. What ails you son? I want to stay here mother. She sat up no Kyros you are a prince of this world you must return home my love.

She smiled. It's this earthing woman? He sat back exhaling silent. Kyros how can you love her so fast? It's been a week. How much time passed before you knew you loved father? Don't be concerned with that hehe. Well mother? By the third sunset I just knew.

Mother? Yes Kyros?

I just know.

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