Escaping 3🏃‍♀️

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Y/n. What happened?-I asked.

Thomas. Last night when you were all asleep the grate under my bed opened, when I went to see what it was I saw Aris, the only boy from group B. I asked him what he was doing and he just told me to follow him . I followed him through the ventilation  until Aris stopped.

Y/n. And what happened next?

Thomas. Aris stopped and told me to look through a grate. When I looked I saw some doctors taking 10 people on covered medical beds and entering a room. Then Aris told me that we had to escape and that he knew how. Today we are going to escape.

Y/n. Didn't Aris explain to you how we were going to escape?- I said in a suspicious tone.

Thomas. Aris is not going to betray us y/n, just look at him he is helpless.

Y/n. Well, but if he betrays us it's your fault.

Minho. Stop chatting and eat, otherwise you won't have the strength to run.

We finished eating and went to our room to come up with the plan. We grabbed our backpacks and filled them with food, blankets, and more. Then, covered the door with bunk beds and mattresses so the door was impossible to open.

We waited until Aris came through the ventilation.

Aris. Are you ready?

Thomas. More than ready.

Aris. Okay, follow me.

We entered through the grate and arrived at the place where Thomas said he had been last night. We went down one by one to the hallway.

Aris. Run, you have to go this way.- said Aris, pointing to the end of the hallway.

We ran down the hallway until we ran into a doctor.

Doctor. You shouldn't be here, right?

Aris. Look, you're going to help us get out of here, okay?

Doctor. No.

Aris. Do you want to die?-Aris said, pointing a gun at the doctor's head.

Doctor. No.- the doctor said, scared.

Aris. Well, help us get out.

The doctor began to walk to a door which she opened with her fingerprint. When we entered through the door, the doctor pressed an emergency button next to the door. An alarm began to sound causing the doors to begin to close and guards started running towards us.

We ran as fast as we could and managed to get out of the building. We were in the middle of the desert.

When we came out we saw how Aris had stayed inside since he didn't have time to get out.

Frying pan. Where do we go now? We are lost.- said frying pan.

Thomas. Let's go to the right arm. Where the mountains.-said Thomas, pointing to some mountains that were about 200 kilometers from where we were.

Y/n. But they are very far away!-I said, complaining.

Thomas. It's the only solution, if you want to stay here do it, we're leaving.

Y/n. Nevermind then, Im not staying here alone.

We walked for hours until we saw some type of shelter.

Y/n. Do we enter?

Newt. There could be cranks I'm not quite sure we should go inside.

Y/n. Cranks are the infected?

Newt. Yeah.

Y/n. Well we have weapons which can kill them , right?

Newt. Well let's get in.

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