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Newt. Okay, you already know the docs, the gardeners and you know where the slaughterhouse is, the only thing missing is construction, the corridors and Frying Pan, perfect, let's go quickly.-Newt began to walk quickly towards a cabin with chairs, tables, screws and tools on the floor I guess this was construction...-Be careful, don't step on a screw and have to go to the docs on your first day.-he said laughing.

He was so handsome and so kind, I would love for him to notice me, but I'm just a useless bastard who doesn't even know how to stop looking at him. How had I started to like it? I had just arrived and I was already in love with a blonde who was my guide. What was I thinking??

In love he was of no use, so I stopped looking at him and stopped to think. I have to learn to control myself and fight, if I don't know how to do any of those things I'm useless.

Newt. Hey, are you okay? You stopped out of nowhere,- he said worried. Wait... HAD HE WORRIED ABOUT ME??Nooooo not again. Y/n control yourself. If not... I won't eat for a week, if there is delicious food, of course.

Y/n. Yes, yes, I'm fine,- I said, stopping thinking and concentrating.

Newt continued walking until he braked and opened a door. Inside the cabin there were tables and chairs but nothing else.

Newt. Oh, they must have gone to rest or something. But hey, it doesn't matter, the builders work here, there are a few of them, you only know Gally, the one from the doctors' cabin.

Y/n. Was Gally the one with eyebrows?- I said looking for a laugh. I remembered Gally but I wanted to say something and that was the first thing that came out.

Newt. Exactly,- he said, laughing while smiling. I had gotten what I wanted and I was happy, when Newt got serious it seemed untrue. -Well now let's go to the kitchen, I'll introduce you to Frying Pan and while we're at it we'll eat lunch,-Newt said.

We started walking towards the kitchen. It was a large place with many tables and benches to eat. When we entered there was only a group of men and the cook waiting for people to come eat lunch.

We got in line to get the food and for Newt to introduce me to the cook.

Newt. Good afternoon frying pan, what's for lunch today? - Newt said kindly. I smiled when I heard how the cook spoke to him, he wasn't the type of person who treated others badly, it was the opposite, he knew he was superior but he didn't care, he treated people equally, and I loved that.

Frying pan. Today there is meat and vegetables to eat and apple for dessert as always. By the way, this is the new one, right? - From the moment I spoke I felt that we were going to like each other. He was the only one who didn't call me a greenie apart from Newt.

Newt. Exactly, Frying Pan this is Y/n, Y/n this is Frying Pan.-said Newt.- Be nice to him or he'll leave you without food, huh.-he said whispering in my ear while laughing. I blushed when he started whispering in my ear but I looked away so he wouldn't notice, although I think he found out...


Y/n was very cute when she blushed, I know she tried to hide it but she failed terribly. I simply smiled as if nothing had happened and looked back at Frying Pan.

Frying pan. Hey, there's no whispering here. What did you say Newt? You know I don't like people saying klunt about me eh. - I started to get scared the only thing you didn't want in your life was an angry Frying Pan. I thought of an excuse and I made it.

Newt. Of course not! How do you think I was saying bad things about you!? I simply told him that you were the best cook in the entire world, sorry, in the UNIVERSE. I said, my excuse was brutally believable, it was impossible for him to realize that it was a lie.

Frying pan. In that case, it's okay. By the way, nice to meet you Y/n.- he said as he stretched out his hand towards her.

Frying pan started putting food on our plates. I watched as Y/n licked her lips, I forgot that she hadn't eaten all day. I grabbed my plate and started walking to a table while I watched people arrive. I saw how Minho and Ben entered through the door and grabbed their food, they came to sit next to us, they looked tired from running through the maze. I was also a runner but I couldn't run today since Y/n came and I had to be her guide for a week until she had a job and schedule.

Minho. Whats up lovebirds?-Minho said, everyone laughed but I stayed serious and continued eating as if nothing had happened.

Newt. How about running? Did you discover something interesting or not? - I said, ignoring his comment.

Ben. No, everything was as usual. Nothing different, and how about you as a guide? - Ben said without intending to bother.

Newt. Fine without further ado. By the way, this is Y/n. - I saw how Y/n raised her head when she heard her name and looked towards Ben.

Ben. Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Ben, and I'm a runner.- Ben said while smiling.

Y/n. Nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n, and I don't have a job,- said Y/n. -Still,- she corrected herself.




My favorite blondie💕Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat