Escaping 2🏃‍♀️

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I woke up in a bed, next to me was Newt waiting for me to get up, when I did, Newt looked at me and hugged me.

Newt. She woke up!!-Newt said out loud.

Minho. Are you okay y/n?-Minho said, approaching me.

Y/n. I'm okay chill out. Where we are?

Frypan. After you fainted, a helicopter came and took us here.- Frypan explained.

Minho. We also met a weird guy called Johan or something like that.

Newt. It was Janson.

Minho. Same thing.

Y/n. Well now, I'm hungry, where can we eat? - I said.

Minho. In the cafeteria, it's time to eat. Come on, Johan or whatever his name is, will be waiting for us.

We all went to the cafeteria where that "Janson" guy was.

??. Very well, today like every week I will take 10 people to take them out of this place! -said a man, the truth is he looked like a rat.

Y/n. Is that the Janson guy you said?- I asked.

Newt. Yes, it's that ugly man on the corner.

Y/n. And what are you doing with those people?

Newt. Y/n, we have been here the same amount of time as you.

Y/n. It's true, I'm sorry.

Thomas. Are you going to eat your food? If you don't want it, me and minho are open for you to give it to us.-Thomas said with a smile.

Newt. Don't worry, I'll be responsible for ensuring that no one gives you their food today, not you or minho. We all have to eat.

Minho. Whatever.

We all turned to listen to Janson who was saying the names of the people he was going to take.

Janson. Jullie, Pablito, Pepita, Juan, Alan, John, Lucia, Carlos, Lena and Josh come with me.

The people cheered as the 10 people followed Janson. When they left everyone went back to eating.

We spent the entire day in our rooms doing nothing until bedtime.

Thomas. Minho, I'm going to take a shower, are you coming too? - Thomas said.

Minho. Of course, after being here for 89 hours we have to shower.-he said with a sarcasm tone.

Thomas and Minho went to shower followed by frypan and the rest.

Newt. Y/n, I'm going to take a shower. You should do the same.

Y/n. I was going either way.- I said in a slightly dry tone.

Since Alby's death, Newt has been very strange. He got very involved in the role of boss and always told us what to do. I understood that there had to be a leader but I didn't know that he was going to take it so personally.

I grabbed my clothes and went to the shower in the women's bathroom. I went into a shower and took off my clothes, when I turned on the water I started crying for everything that had happened, Chuck's death, Alby's, in general the death of the gladers.

I stopped crying and finished showering, then I got dressed and went to the bedroom.

Newt. Do you want to sleep alone? -Newt said.

Y/n, don't bother him, you know you can't sleep without him, don't act stupid and tell him no just because you're angry at the world.

Damn consciousness, heavier and I die.

Y/n. Whatever you want.- I said, climbing onto the bed of one of the bunk beds.

Newt. I dont care either.

Perfect, you already screwed up. Why didn't you say yes and that's it?

Shut up now.

What happens if I don't do it?


Newt. Sorry... I didn't want to make you angry.-Newt said, scared by the scream I had just given.

Y/n. Sorry... I- I didn't want to... I was speaking to my conscience...- I said

Minho. Y/n, you better go to sleep... You're so tired that you're even talking to yourself.- Minho said, laughing.

Newt didn't say anything, he just got into bed and fell asleep. I felt horrible about what I had said.

The others didn't say anything either and got into bed except Thomas, he stayed.

Thomas. Good night everyone.- said Thomas.

I got into my bed but I didn't fall asleep because my conscience wanted to fuck me more.

How happy I get when I say you're going to screw up and you screw up.

You've screwed me enough, can you leave me alone?

Anyway, hope you get a bad sleep jajajajja

You look like a psychopath.

Do you want me to start talking?

It would be better if you didn't do it honestly.

Good night.

When my consciousness stoped talking and I fell asleep. In the morning, I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom quickly.

In the bathroom I started to get dizzy and ended up vomiting, I cleaned my face and went to change and then go to breakfast.

In the dining room the boys were talking and eating at the same time, I sat down and started eating.

Y/n. Sorry about yesterday. My conscience was talking to me and I got fed up and unintentionally...-I was going to continue talking but Newt stopped me with his hand.

Newt. Don't worry, I understand it happens to me too.-Newt said with a serious tone.-Thomas, are you going to tell her what happened or should I tell him?

Y/n. What happened?




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