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Me and Newt were going to sleep, the problem was that the doors to the maze had not been closed so we were at risk of being killed by the grievers at night.

Alby. Has anyone gone to sleep? - Alby asked the inhabitants.

Newt. No, none of the gladers went to sleep, everyone is scared by the grievers.

Alby. Perfect, we all have to go to the shelter we just built. We will be safe there, or so we think...

All the gladers entered the room, it was a small cabin made of wood, there were also small windows to look outside.

It was already night, we were all scared and some of us were even hugging. I was hugging Chuck while squeezing Newt's hand.

Newt. Don't worry, if we have to escape, we already know where to get out.-Newt said, stroking my hair.

Y/n. How?-I said, letting go of his hand and looking up.

Newt. You remember the device that the griever had inside it.-Newt said, I nodded.
-Well, that device leeds us to a door which we believe is an exit.

Y/n. Do you think we'll be able to get out of here soon?-I said quietly.

Newt. I hope so.

All the gladers were trying to sleep on the floor of the small cabin. Some with their heads on top of others and others lying on the ground.

Suddenly the sound of grievers was heard near the area. Everyone stood up as the sound was getting closer, until they came...

Boy 1. Guys... Do you see that?

Boy 2. T-t-they are grievers...

A griever began to walk towards the cabin very quickly, all the inhabitants moved away from the windows and covered themselves, each glader had brought a blanket for the night.

The griever looked out the window and of course, some gladers had forgotten their blanket, the griever broke the window and began to attack the gladers who were not covered, Alby being one of them. We were all sad because Alby was taken away but we couldn't let the sadness kill us.

The grievers entered and took all the inhabitants without blankets. A while later, the grievers had gone to the maze.

We all went outside to think about what to do.

Thomas. I have a plan, but for it to work you have to listen to me.

All the gladers stopped moving and looked at Thomas.

Thomas. The first thing is to equip ourselves, everyone go to the kitchen so that frypan can give you supplies. Then, wait outside the maze, there we will all meet.

Minho. You've already heard! Everyone grab a backpack and go to the kitchen, come on!

Y/n. Wait... Where is Ben? I haven't seen him in like 2 weeks...

Newt. About that... Ben got bit and we had to banish him...

Y/n. Poor Ben... He didn't deserve that.- I said.

We all went to the kitchen to get supplies and then we went to the entrance of the maze.

Newt. Wait y/n, come with me the runners have to do something else.

Y/n. Okay I'll see you later.

Newt. No, y/n, come with me. I don't care if you're not a runner, you have to come.-Newt said.

Y/n. Okay, I'll go with you, but if they tell you off, it's not my fault.-I said, grabbing my backpack.

We walked until we reached the runners' cabin. In which Thomas and Minho were drawing on papers.

Thomas. Newt, you have to draw each day's routes on the papers, they create words. And you y/n, grab weapons.

Newt grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing while I stuffed weapons into the runners' backpacks. I took 2 Chinese daggers and a knife without Thomas knowing and I put them in my pants.

When they finished drawing Thomas wrote the words they had formed on his arm;

We ran to the entrance of the maze where all the inhabitants were except Gally and other builders.

Thomas. We have a way out and an order. Chuck, Teresa and Y/N have to go all the way back, then all of you go and Minho, Newt and I go first.-Thomas said

Y/n. Why do I have to go back!? -I said, throwing a tantrum.

Thomas. Because you don't have weapons.

Y/n. Who said that?- I said, taking the knife out of my pants.

Thomas. Okay you can go in the middle but be careful.

We were going to enter the maze until a voice stopped us, Gally.

Gally. You can't go out. We're here for something, we can't leave!

Y/n. Leave us alone Gally, if you want to rot here, do it. - I said

Gally. You know what!? Better all go and die at the hands of grievers. Better for me.

We ignored Gally and entered the maze, we started running until we reached where the exit was supposed to be.

Newt. Throw yourself one at a time here.-he said, pointing to a type of hole.

People shuffled around until it was my turn. I sat on the edge and slid through the hole and came to a room with a door, I managed to open the door with the words that the maze had created while the others fought against some grievers. The door opened and we managed to enter a room. The room was full of dead people and blood, the only thing that remained was a computer that had a video. The video said something about a lethal virus in the earth.

We where al so concentrated in the video that we didnt hear Gally coming in.

Gally. I told you, you couldnt escape.-he said pointing a gun at thomas.- You will pay.

Gally shoots and when the bullet was going to hit Thomas chuck got in front.

T/n. CHUCK NOO!!!!- I screamed hard, what did Chuck do to reserve this..?

Chuck. Five this to my parents thomas.- said Chuck while giving Thomas a wooden figure.

The only thing I remember after that is a knife getting thrown and me fainting.




My favorite blondie💕Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ