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wildest dreams

"wanna do something fun?"

scarlett smirked "yeah." before he grabbed her hand, walking her down the stairs carefully so she doesn't fall. "where are we going?"

brando glanced over a the shorter girl he was dragging with him. "you'll see," he responded as they left the school property

scarlett started to observe her surroundings, she didn't have a clue where he was taking her. he stopped walking as the reached a small restaurant

she had a confused face but with a goofy smile "this is still open?" she laughed as he smiled, holding the door open for her as she walked in

ordering two milkshakes as they took a seat. "have you ever been on a date before?" he asked her out of the blue, she almost chocked on her milkshake

"i haven't."

"be honest with me, why haven't you ever had a boyfriend?" brando asked as he took a sip of his milkshake too, taking off the cherry on his and placing it on scarlett's

she shrugged "i don't know. i guess no one's ever liked me like that." brandos lip went into a thin line "lies. i know that those are lies. i know for a fact vitto asked you out last year and you said no"

"are you watching every move i make?"

"come on, scarlett, talk to me."

she looked down before she tucked her hair behind her ear. "okay." she sighed "so love and dating.. i love to read about it and to think about in my head.. but"

she paused, brando gave her a soft smile letting scarlett know he was listening. she returned it before she said "when it's real.." before she paused again

he titled his head "what, it's scary?" he said quietly as she nodded "yeah." she whispered. she felt embarrassed that he knew that "why? why is that scary?"

"the more people you let into your life, the more that can just walk right out." she responded as he stayed silent. brando never heard the girl speak about her feelings or thoughts before

he nodded in response, he knew she was embarrassed. brando could also tell she didn't wanna talk about it anymore

"do you like star gazing?" she asked brando, "i've never been. so, i don't know." she frowned "i love stars. well, i love stargazing."

he smiled as scarlett continued talking about her love for stars and how things are better at night time instead of during the day

he got up, she watched "did i say something?" she asked noticing how fast he got up while she was taking to the boy

"let's go somewhere, you'll love it."

their hands interlocking as they walked out of the restaurant, down the street as they headed to the location brando was taking her to

scarlett was startled when brando put his hand over her eyes so she wouldn't see

"alright, are you ready?"

she giggled before she nodded "yeah."

as his hands slowly uncovered her eyes, what she saw in front of her was beautiful to her. it was a view of the sky where you can see all the stars at the perfect angle

they took a seat on the grass, as she rested her head on his shoulder. "scarlett, do you just go by scarlett? or like-"

"scar, that's really it."


she lifted her head from his shoulder as their faces were extremely close. "star?" scarlett laughed as he laughed too

"i'll call you, star."

"absolutely not."

"okay star."

before he grabbed her cheek kissing her, scarlett kissing back. scarlett moving on top of him. brandos hand leaving ber face at it trailed to her pants waistband

fidgeting with it, he went down towards her neck as she bit her lip. her hand moving up his shirts onto his abs as he moved back to her lips

she could feel him smile into the kiss, before she let go. "there's no one like you, Ferrari." he spoke out of breath as she smiled

going back to looking at the sky and talking all night.


would it be better to go off of the show or make up random things to go along w the story?

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