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wildest dreams

scarlett sat next to fabio while camila was in front of them. apparently, damiano went to hers for dinner. "so, it went well then?" fabio asked her

"yes, but he seemed weird." camilla said as she looked over at scarlett who shrugged, chiara spoke up making their heads turn to her. "did you try talking to him?"

"do you think i should?" camilla asked her as chiara shrugged her shoulders as she continued to draw in her notebook "i think you should." scarlett joined in

"yes, you need to be direct with damiano." fabio replied as camilla agreed "you're right, if i hadn't made the first move, i'd be waiting for him to kiss him."

"all things considered, dinner went well. he's coming over today, too." camilla spoke before chiara left the class. "awkward." scarlett mumbled as she went back to her notes

scarlett walking out of class, walking to the bathroom before someone pulled her into an empty classroom, she quickly turned to see who it was


"hey scar" he said as he had a goofy smile on his face, she smiled back "what's up brando." before he picked up the girl, "put me down brando!" she yelled quietly as she laughed

placing her on the teachers desk as he stood between her legs. "let me take you out tonight." he spoke, the sentence catching her off guard

"that's not being secretive." she replied as his hands went down to her waist, "it'll be secretive, no one else will be there." as she smiled rolling her eyes

"okay fine" she replied as he smiled "i'll pick you up at 8." he replied as he leaned in, kissing her as her hands went to his cheek and neck

he went down to her neck before she pushed him off "brando, were at school." she spoke as she missed the feeling of his touch


"so we aren't doing anything at school."

before she hopped off the teachers desk, dusting her uniform off before he leaned down one more time, giving her lips a peck before he walked towards the door

he frowned as he looked at her "wait a few." before he walked out. she waited a few seconds before she walked out as well.

"this boy." she mumbled as she walked out of the school.


brando was at scarlett's house at exactly 8pm, "hey." she spoke as she closed her front door, walking down with him towards his car

"hey, you look pretty." he complimented her as her cheeks heated up "you look handsome." now it was his turn for his cheeks to heat up

"thank you."

he opened the car door for her, before he walked to the drivers seat. he handed her flowers "your so sweet, brando." as she smiled at the flowers in her hand

"i didn't get to ask you properly. would you want this to be a date?" he asked, she could tell he was extremely nervous asking that. she smiled as she bit her lip

"yeah, i'd like that."


he took her to an annual sky lantern fest. as they held one another's hands. he took her to a spot that had a blanket down.

"you did all of this?" she asked as he nodded, both of them taking a seat as a lantern sat in front of them both. with paint and some snacks

"this is adorable." she replied as she started painting the lantern. he watched her in awe as he painted their initials onto the lantern

she looked at him, he looked at her "what?" he asked as a smile grew on her face "what?" she copied as he laughed "what's up?" he asked

scarlett sighed but the smile didn't leave her face  "i just don't want to end." she said truthfully as his eyebrows raised, he didn't like her saying that

"your thinking about us.. ending right now?" he asked as he smile grew in disbelief , "it's just a thought that popped up in my head." she smiled as she shrugged, going back to writing their initials

"well get those thoughts out of your head, you can't be thinking about that on our first date." he said as she looked over at him, her cheeks turning a rosy color. she started to speak

"i just don't us to break each others hearts."

"i promise im not going to break your heart."

"promise not to break your heart."

she smiled as he kissed her hand, she drew a heart around their initials as she leaned back a little. to get a good look at it. "do you love it?" she asked the boy next to her

"i do."

before they both got up, she swung the lantern around so it could get air into it. so it would be bigger. she laughed as she did, he did too

lighting the box inside it. as the lantern lit up. they watched it fly into the air. his arm wrapping around her shoulders as she leaned into his chest

authors note;

to all the boys i love reference..

if u know u know


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