Chapter 1 Learning about Having Cancer and Meeting

Start from the beginning

Wedge was with his family. "My head and tummy are hurting," Wedge said.

Then a bit later the children all vomited in their own homes. The kids were not feeling well at all. They had to rest at home instead of going to the zoo like they wanted to today. Their parents didn't want to go because they threw up.

Over the next few days the kids all still had all very painful headaches. The pain was really bad at night waking them up. The pain was really bad in the morning. Painkillers were not helping at all. The headaches were not going away. These headaches were like a pressure it felt like their heads were giant fizzy bottles. The pain could sometimes because very sharp or throbbing. It wasn't pleasant at all. The kids wanted the pain to go away.

The kids were still getting sick. They were vomiting at least once a day. Normally in the mornings. The kids had been very unhappy because the throwing up had put a hold on things they like to do. But they didn't like getting sick that often either.

Soon they were feeling very tired too. They just didn't have a lot of energy. They felt very tired and didn't feel like playing as much. They were just not as active as before. It was rather worrisome.

The kids were starting to get very stiff necks. There necks hurt and it was hard to move their necks. It was most uncomfortable. Also their heads were starting to tilt to the right. It was a bit unusual to see. They were not comfortable with this weird position especially with their necks hurting. They were not enjoying this at all.

Their parents were all getting very worried. Their normally healthy children were all having problems. Tonight the kids looked pretty bad. Their head were really hurting and then they collapsed and had seizures. The seizures only lasted about a minute each.

They decided to take the children to Cook Children's hospital to find out what is wrong.

During the ride to the hospital the kids were all very nervous and scared. They were worried what was going to happen. They were all holding on to their favorite stuffed animals. Once at Cook children's hospital they were taken inside.

They were in the part of the hospital called the ER. They all saw many kids there. They even saw each other for the first time and approached each other.

"Hi I am Hot shot," Hot shot said.

"Hi I am Hoist," Hoist said.

"Hi I am Medix," Medix said.

"Hi I am Whirl," Whirl said.

"Hi I am Wedge," Wedge said.

"I am going to be five years old," Hot shot said.

"I am going to be five years old too," Hoist said.

"I am also going to be five years old," Medix said.

"I will also going to turn five years old too," Whirl said.

"I am about to turn five years old as well," Wedge said.

"This is Roxy," Hot shot said showing them Roxy the rhino.

"This is Tina Rexy," Hoist said showing Tina Rexy the T-rex.

"This is Mr. Flappy," Medix said showing them Mr. Flappy the bat.

"This is Luna," Whirl said showing them Luna the barn owl.

"This is Daisy," Wedge said showing Daisy the tortoise.

"I am here because, I have a bad headache, I feel sick and been throwing up, I have been tired, my neck is stiff, my head is tilting and I had something called a seizure," Hot shot said.

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