Yeosang took a deep breath and dived into the water. He swam towards the small underwater tunnel, then he felt the current, it was pushing him towards the rocks above him, making it hard to move. He felt himself scratch his arm with a pointy rock, which led him to lose some air.
He didn't have much time to think. He felt needing air. With his other arm and feet, he pushed himself back into the cave. The current stopped, and he was trying his best to swim towards the surface.
To his luck, Yunho grabbed him up, and yeosang took a deep breath again.

"What happened? Oh, your arm is bleeding!" Yunho helped yeosang to swim to a side and grab onto some rocks that helped them stand on.

"I- I can't. The current is so strong, it pushed me against some rocks, and I scratched myself. I can'tdo it, i can't..." Yeosang looked scared. He just saw his life flash in front of his eyes.

Yunho, being the oldest of the three, was like the big brother, he calmed yeosang down, and with a piece of his shirt he tried making yeosangs injury stop bleeding.

After a small discussion, they tried yelling for Mingi, but it seemed that the sea was getting higher that the waves that were crashing wouldn't let them hear each other.

Yeosang agreed to wait inside the cave, Yunho would try to get out and call for help with Mingi. Yunho gave a hug to yeosang, letting him know everything would be okay and dived into the water.

- - -  - - - - - - -

Back to Seonghwa and the rescue team:

Seonghwa was on one of the yetskiis with Hongjoong while on another was Jongho, a guy that helped with strength. They were looking around the cliff with the Rocky area, and to their luck, they found one guy waving to them.

As they approached him, they saw that he was uninjured, but there were still two guys missing.

"My friends are still in the cave, I've tried calling their names, but I can't hear them anymore. Oh wait, Yunho!" The guy pointed at another guy that just got to the surface uder a huge rock.

"Are you guys injured? Where's the other one?" Hongjoong asked while making sure Mingi got on the back of Jonghos yetskii.

"I'm fine, but my friend, Yeosang, is inside. He tried swimming out, but the current is getting so strong that he had to return, and his arm is bleeding from a rock." Yunho was saying, still trying to breathe normally. He himself had had difficulties getting out of there.

"Jongho, take the red head back to shore, then come back immediately. While Hongjoong takes back this guy and gives me the suits, I'll go get the guy." Seonghwa said serious.

Mingi and Yunho didn't know that Seonghwa was a pro swimmer, since he lived all his life by the beach, he could dive for over 3 minutes under water and could swim good in most weather conditions.

"I'll come back as soon he's safe." Jongho replied and started his way back with Mingi.

"Please, take care with yeosang. I kinda saw the look on his face when he came back into the cave, I had to pull him out. He had almost no strength." Yunho said, worried. Seonghwa just nodded with a smile. He wore the suit and jumped in the water.

It didn't take long to go past that underwater tunnel. He had a flashlight on, since the sun was slowly setting and underwater the vision is lower than outside.

A minute later, he got to the surface and looked around till he met eye to eye with this 'Yeosang'. He was curled up in a corner, clear signs of tears on his eyes, and he was trembling.

"Yeosang, right? I'm seonghwa, Your Teo friends are safe outside, I'm here to take you out of here. Do you have any injuries I can help you with?" Seonghwa asked, taking out his mask, approaching the younger.

Yeosang showed his arm, and seonghwa quickly cleaned the injury with a small alcohol bottle he had in his small bag. "I don't know if I can go down there again, I almost drowned." He said.

Seonghwa looked at the guy and tried calming him down. "We will go together, so don't worry, and I have an air mask with me. It lasts for 10 minutes, but enough for you and me to get out in one piece. By the way, you look quite handsome, ya know?"

That left a small blush in yeosangs face, but wasn't very noticeable since it wasn't as bright as before.

"Thanks, seonghwa hyung." That made both of them smile a bit.

"Let's go then." Seonghwa mentioned. He told yeosang to try to stay closer to the floor as possible since the current pushes them upwards. The two dived to get out of there.
Yeosang had the air mask while Seonghwa wore the normal masks, with the flashlight, the way was easier to see. With the current, the both stood as much as they could towards the bottom. Yeosang held swam what he could with his uninjured arm, though seonghwa was always behind him to take care of the other.

Didn't take long till they passed the current and made it way up to the surface. There, they took a good breath. Jongho was there ready to pull up yeosang to the board that was attached to the yetskii.

"Everything fine?" Jongho asked towards Seonghwa, who was looking at yeosang.

"Yeah, we made it." Seonghwa Answered sitting behind jongho, looking at yeosang who was laying down on the board just breathing with his eyes closed.

When they arrived to shore, yeosang was taken to the small infirmary at the beach. There, his arm got treated while Yunho and Mingi were getting taught a lesson of never going to caves without someone with experience or proper equipment.

When yeosang got discharged by the nurse, he went towards the door. As he opened it, he bumped into someone.

"Hey, I wanted to see if everything is okay now." Seonghwa asked, looking at the bandage on Yeosangs arm.

"Oh yeah. Thank you again. I don't know what would have happened if you guys didn't come." Yeosang said, embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Thank your sister. She's the one that was worried for you guys being late. She's a good sister. Oh and, I don't know if you're around these days, if you mind going out for a drink or something." Seonghwa said, sounding each time more quiet.

"Oh, I'll thank her yeah. And for your question, I'm actually here for the summer, so I'd be happy to have a drink with you seonghwa." Yeosang replied smiling.

"Great, and if you're staying longer, I could show you around more snorkeling areas and other stuff, with your friends too of course if you like to."

Soon enough the two kept talking for a bit. It did was a tough day for them but they ended up having a new person to have company with.
That night Yeosang got scolded by his sister in front of Seonghwa and his  coworkers  which made them laugh a bit.

And to made the day lighter, they decided to go all together to eat something at a bar close by.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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