7 days

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The last project of the semester, after that, Yeosang and his friends could finally graduate from college and find new goals for their life's.

The teacher cleared his throat to make all students listen.

"So class, this last project will cost 70% of your final mark. Each of you will randomly choose a job that's written in papers inside this box. Whatever job you chose, I'll guide you to be one week with this company and their duty. There you will make part of their work, they will show you what they do and how it's done. After a week, I want all of you to make a presentation of what it is to be in that place, what experiences you had, and how the relationship in the company is. Like making a diary of your every day..."

The teacher kept explaining while yeosang received a note from his desk mate, Wooyoung.

'I hope the profession I get has some good-looking people.' Yeosang chuckled and rolled his eyes towards his friend.

Later, everyone got to take a paper with the profesion on it.

"I got a gardener? What am I supposed to learn from that?" Whinned Wooyoung, not believing what he got.

"Don't be sad, Woo, I got to be with an artist... like why me, out of all people, I can't draw." Now, another classmate named Mingi whinned.

Yeosang, who was just unfolding his paper, looked surprised, yet concerned with this work.

"Lemme see what you got, Yeo, you look worried, can't be worse than mine, right?" Laughed Wooyoung along with Mingi.

"I can't tell. It says Investigation. Should this be like for crimes or something?"

Yeosang was kind of worried since he looked forward to a simple job, but this took him in surprise.

The next Monday, the teacher went with each student to their chosen profession. For Yeosang, he was told to go to the police station of their city, there he met with Mr. Teacher and an officer that'd led him to the office of the investigation team. This group consisted of 3 guys. The first yeosang met was a tall guy who had a face resemblance with a puppy. He introduced himself as Yunho. The other one was a shorter guy. He looked kinda intimidating but was really kind, called Hongjoong. Last but not least, their boss, a man who looked rather young, in a formal suit, dark hair, with a pair of eyes that could kill. He really looked scary.

"I'm Seonghwa, but call me Mr. Park, so this is no game. You are here to learn. Be careful with whatever you touch, and I warn you, if you do something you shouldn't, I make sure you fail." With that, the boss left the room, leaving Yeosang speechless and not ready for the following week.

"Don't worry kid, Seonghwa is just in a bad mood today, we barely catched a guy from a robbery  but in the process Seonghwa had to run behind him for like 10 minutes and it was just 7am, so he's exhausted." Yunho laughed it out, tapping on the students shoulder.


As the first 2 days went by, Yeosang saw that it was indeed true that Seonghwa was just in a bad mood the first day, because on the second day, he bought bought breakfast for the team and was more chill.

At 6 p.m., Yeosang finished his 'work', said goodbyes to Yunho and the others, and made his way home. He had to walk about 20 minutes to the apartment he lived in. In his walk, he called Wooyoung and quickly talked about their day. After hanging up, Yeo was walking past a dark alley where he saw how a girl was being threatened by a tall guy. Without hesitation, he went and grabbed the guys arm before he'd do anything to the girl. "Touch her, and I'll call the police."

"Heh, who do you think you are bastard! Let me show you what you get when you involve yourself in others' businesses." The guy, within a few seconds, punched yeosang in the stomach, making him fall on his knees. But the younger was quick to react before the second punch was coming and rolled to a side.

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