Blue snow

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'Believe it or not, but the blue snow is a rare but common event in our city. It happens once every year on the 24th of October. Nobody knows why it happens these times of the year, but it's something that has happened every single year without a failure.

Today is the 14th of October, so we still have 10 days left until then. My friends and I are hanging out in Mingi's house since his family is having lunch at my familys house.

So my friends are actually wooyoung a guy with black hair sitting on the large couch losing rather than playing mario Kart. The other guy that seems winning is yunho. Yeah, he decided to dye his hair blue; for him, it means that on the blue snow, his hair will glow sparkle. I let him think about what he wants.

And well, Mingi, the one that lives in the house.... I hear him trying to make popcorn from the kitchen; I don't know if he is being successful or not.

And lastly me, I'm Yeosang, and well, I'm a very ordinary guy, with black styled hair. And I like just seeing and listening to what others do, but I also do things when I'm not lazy.'

"Hey Yeosang! Stop writing on your notepad and come and play with us. I think Yunho is cheating; he's winning every time, " said Wooyoung pouting while looking with a mocking face to yunho.

"Okay, okay, I come, but don't cry if I win against you too!" I say sitting next to Woo, taking the controller from Yunho and preparing for the game.

"HA! I WON! You lost Yeo. You owe me one now, " says woo while staying up and screaming with all his lungs.

"I- I let you slide this one, but you clearly cheated putting the popcorn in my face" And so I take some of Mingis popcorn that he left us earlier on the table while playing and throw it to wooyoung.

"I didn't cheat, well. Now that I won, you have to do 1 thing, and it's to go to the grocery store and buy us some ramen to make"

It was like a little joke for us to make each other do things when we lose at games, and I don't mind going out for a bit. So I took my jacket, and I noted what each of them wanted. I opened the front door to see it was getting dark, but that was okay and started walking to the store. It's about 15 minutes from the house.

Once I got to the store, I picked up the instant noodles they wanted and some ice cream. And for me, I looked up for some chicken, and of course, they had to put it on the highest stant. I looked at it for a moment as if I could make it move but just sighed. So, I tried reaching it on my tippy toes but no success. Then, I had the dumb idea of climbing the stant, but when I reached the chicken, I slipped. I hit the floor with my back , but it was too hard it made me dizzy.

"Oh dude, are you okay?" As I hold my head steady for a moment, I saw a hand helping me to get up. As the good person I am, I took his hand, and he lifted me up pretty quickly.

Without even looking at him, I thanked him quietly and made my way to the cashier since it was too embarrassing.

On the line, I remembered that I forgot to take the chicken, but after what happened, I wouldn't go back. So, as I paid for the few things and thanked the cashier, I went out to my surprise it was raining.

"Today must be my bad luck day," I mumble, looking with a poker face into the raining streets.

Just as I started to walk under the rain, I saw how someone handled me an umbrella for me.

"Take it, you probably needed more than me." That voice. The same guy that helped me before, but this time, I look straight at his face. 'OH GOD, IM LOOKING AT A GOD'

I feel my ears getting probably red at this point.

"Uh, thank you for helping me twice. I'm just so unlucky today, " I say as I take the umbrella from his hands slowly.

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