Power of the Wave

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Surfing is something I never thought of doing, but since my brother came from studying abroad, he showed me what surfing is and how it makes me feel to ride the waves.

My name is yeosang and I live in a small town near the beach, after highschool I didn't go study, instead I stayed in Sunrise Town to help my parents in their surfing club. All i do there is cleaning the boards or doing new ones, as well as meeting new students my parents get. But surfing, hasn't been an option yet, not that I hate it, I just haven't got inspired on it, and my parents accept it.

So for today, my big brother San came back from studying abroad to stay for the summer, he bought with him also his best friend called wooyoung, which is such an energetic guy.

When they arrived, immediately they went to get surfing boards and go take the waves, since San always said, the big waves aren't stopping us here, just pass through them.

"Cmon Yeo, you will like it, as well as woo, he hasn't really surfed so I can teach you both" said San giving me a red surf board.

I guess trying won't kill me I thought.

Once at the beach, San told us the basics of how to swim with the board, how to balance it, and to get on hold if it moves too much. After practicing a bit on land it was time. San went first and once he was at a good depth, he took an average wave, not big but fast.

In my eyes, I saw how my brother enjoyed the wave, as he stood up and did a move it felt like he was controlling the wave, he was flying and that made me change my mind about surfing. I would try it to get that feeling too.

When San came out of the water, I and wooyoung clapped and were excited to also try it out. First went wooyoung, he had already tried before surfing so he did it pretty well, took him a bit to stand on the board but he enjoyed the few moments he rode that.

"It looks like you want to try, right?"

I turned to see San as he told me that.
"Yeah, it looks really enjoyable, I'm gonna fly on that Wave"

As I said that wooyoung came back, I hand 5 him and went to the water. Swimming into the deeper water was a bit difficult but I got it, then waiting for the moment, I saw the 4th wave would come big, and I prepared myself to surf it. I began to swim forward, when I felt the wave under me, I positioned myself to ride it. It was easy to stand up on it, and for a few seconds, I felt like flying without wings, a feeling of freedom looking to the coast. But then realized that I was still surfing, I panicked and fell from the board backward, time slowed down for a moment when I saw water surrounding me, but as fast as that happened I was out of water again.

San and wooyoung were almost beside me because they thought something happened, but instead, they met me with a big smile.

"That was awesome, I felt like flying, let's do it again!!"

"Yesss, I'm down for it, let's do a few more rounds, right Sannie?" Woo said dragging san to the waters along with me.

Like that we spent the whole afternoon surfing, enjoying ourselves and playing. Arriving in the evening, we walked back to the surf club where our parents awaited us. We invited wooyoung to sleep in our guests' room at our house and at dinner, we talked about our great day.
Just before sleep, after everyone finished eating dinner and preparing for bed. I looked through my window to see a shooting star and wished for the best summer of my life, little did I know, it would come.

It's been a week now and surfing is the hobby I do the most, in addition, from the surfing club we met 2 guys named mingi and yunho, they are really nice guys to hang out with and they've showed us some tricks to surf with. Both are the tallest of our group.

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