In another Life 2.0

188 14 5

Seonghwa pov

I was in the kitchen of the new apartment we got with Hongjoong, Yeosang, Yunho, Mingi, Jongho, San, and Wooyoung. We all met in college since we shared dance class and decided to rent a home for all to live in. My thoughts were heading to the good moments I've had with the guys when I heard Wooyoungs sudden scream coming from the basement.
Now that I thought, him and Yeosang have been over an hour in that place, maybe something had happened to them.

On my way to the basement stairs, I found Hongjoong coming from the hallway.

"You heard Wooyoung too?" He asked, worried. I nodded and headed to open the door. My eyes grew wide when I saw Yeosang holding onto a gun. The blonde was rather shaking in the spot and fell on his knees while groaning in pain.
My thoughts run to my head thinking Yeosang had done something to himself, but immediately after, Yeo fell to the floor unconscious.

In the next moments, I went next to Yeosang and checked for any injures, which he gladly didn't have and to take him out of the basement. Meanwhile, Hongjoong took Wooyoung, and they left everything on the floor untouched.

"What happened?" Asked San coming from the living room as he witnessed how I carried Yeosang in my arms into the nearest couch.

"We will know in a moment. Turn off the TV and Wooyoung come sit in the sofa, we need to talk." I said serious. I hoped that they weren't trying anything out of this world in that basement.

San did as I said. We all sat around the living room, me next to Yeosang, to be with him when he woke up.
Wooyoung felt nervous to talk. He was sitting with his back straight and looking down as if something bad was about to be said.

"You guys won't  believe me...mostly you, Seonghwa Hyung. So you see...." Wooyoung told us how him and Yeosang were just cleaning the basement when they found a cracked wood floor. They gently pulled it out and found an old box. Wooyoung said that they got curious and opened it and found the diary, a diary written in 1896, by a young man in the name of Kang Yeosang?

If that wasn't a coincidence, it became more confusing when Woo told us a resume of the diary and how there was a guy named Seonghwa. It felt like they were us in a parallel world, in another time or another life.

After all explained, we took it off a day. I took Yeosang to our shared room since we became roommates from random pulls we did with the boys. I put Yeo on his bed, under the blanket, and I sat myself next to his bed to take care of anything. Because even if all of this was a confusing situation, little did I know that Yeosang and I don't only hold a friendship.

The next day, Yeosang was the first to wake up after having a nightmare he couldn't remember off. He saw Seonghwa next to his bed, quietly taking his blanket and putting it on Hwa. Then, he made his way to the bathroom.

When he got out, he found Seonghwa sitting on his bed half asleep. "Can we talk?" He asked. Yeosang nodded and sat next to the older.

"Do you remember anything that happened yesterday?" He asked gently, holding his hand with Yeosangs.

Yeosang suddenly realized something. "It wasn't a dream? I thought that Wooyoung and I had found those things in my dream because it felt so weird. There was a moment when I saw the... the gun." He said as his voice shook, but Hwa squeezed their hands to not make Yeosang worry and let him continue.

"When I saw it, I felt a flashback, although I never was there, I remember a guy at a door in blur, telling me news that you passed away. Then, somehow, I saw myself holding the gun, saying, 'If not in this life, then in another life'. And then I returned to reality when I felt this terrible pain on my birthmark, Wooyoung telling me to drop the gun. Then I realized I was holding it. And I don't remember anything else." Finished telling Yeosang in tears.

Seonghwa calmed the younger down while hugging him and rubbing his back.  The older also felt that weird connection.

Once both calmed down, Seonghwa let go of the hug. Instead, he held his hands with Yeos' hands, looking straight to his eyes.

"Let me tell you something Sangie. Even I feel weird out by this situation, but what if these people were us in another life? They couldn't achieve happiness because of their times. One thing is true though, the man in the diary want us to be happy in our life, maybe finishing what they couldn't finish. Because deep down, we both know that we aren't just friends, right?" Seonghwa asked, he was very nervous in the inside.
Because, ever since he met Yeosang, he felt like he has known him forever. Both boys instantly became friends, before the whole group was together. They had hung out multiple times alone, to go watch movies or walk around the city. They'd also pick each other up to walk to college.

Seonghwa had this feeling for the younger for quite a while. Now was the moment he had indirectly confessed to Yeosang and waited for a response.

Yeosang, who had stopped crying, was in silence for a moment before tears started to come out again. He let go of Seonghwa hands to jump on him in a very big hug. "Hyung! Are you telling me that you like me?" He asked.

"I don't only like you Sangie, I very much love you. I'm willing to do whatever it is to make you happy forever. Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?" Seonghwa asked still being wrapped by Yeosang.

The younger happily let go and stood up. "Let's finish what the past us couldn't do. So they can be happy too."

"Let's do it Sangie."

Months later, Seonghwa asked Yeosang to be his boyfriend. Exaclty on the younger birthday. They were really happy together. In fact, the box in the basement, disappeared one day, leaving only the necklace behind. The couple had opened the object to find a picture of them in their past life.
With a bit of research they were able to find the graves of the boys in 1896 and left flowers and the necklace with them.

That day, they felt like a big weight got free. The day became sunnier and warm again.

They would live a happy life, until their very last days.

-------------------THE END

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Sorry it took long. I rewrote the story like 5 times. I changed the plot a  bit again but I hope you like it.

See you next time!

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