°•~Chapter forty one~•°

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*Ochako's P.O.V*

"Kota who were you talking to?" Momo asked. Kota looked at us. "My mama and papa, why?" He said bluntly. I quirked a brow. "What do you mean? Were you adopted?" Kiri asked. 'I thought Kota's parents died?' I thought.

"He has, not officially though." Mr. Aizawa said. We all looked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked. He looked at us. "Kota, is Hachi doing okay?" Shin asked. Kota nodded. "She sent me a text saying to tell you that she misses you guys!" He said happily.

"Your sister is fine shinso, she can handle herself. Trust me." Present mic said. We all looked at shinso shocked and confused. "You have a sister?" Tsu asked. "No... Obviously! I have two!" He said sarcastically.

"We thought you only had one, which was Eri." Todoroki said. We all nodded. Shinso shook his head. "Nope, I have two younger sisters. Hachi who's is turning eighteen in October and Eri." He explained.

"Eighteen!? I thought she was younger than you!?" Denki shouted. Shinso looked at denki. "Dumb*ss, you didn't know she was turning eighteen?" Shinso asked. We looked at denki. "No! I thought she was turning seventeen!" Denki shouted. "How old are you shinso?" Iida asked.

"I'm nineteen now." He said shrugging. Our jaws dropped. "Jeez uncle shin, your old!" Kota laughed. Eri joined in and they soon calmed down. "You and sissy are so much older than me!" Eri smiled. "Yeah whatever." He said. "Wait, so. Is she also still in school?" Kiri asked.

"Yeah, why?" Shinso asked and yawned. "She has a kid! In high-school! That is very inappropriate and the school should not tolerate it! She should-" "Oh shut it! What do you care anyway? She doesn't even go here! Let alone live in Japan! " Mineta yelled cutting iida off.

All of us girls scrunched up our faces in disgust. "How do you know that? Do you stalk her or something?" Mina snapped. He glared at her. "I am in a relationship, thank you very much!" He snapped.

"That poor girl." Hagakure said. "Where do you guys think we're gonna go in the transfer program? I hope it's L.A. so we can see the others again." Monoma said ignoring us. "I hope so too. I just hope that those newlyweds aren't p*ssing Hachi off. She's scary!" Denki said and shivered.

"She's also dramatic. But yes she's very scary. She looks so innocent though." Shinso said. They laughed. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "If you guys do go to L.A. can Eri and I come too!?" Kota asked. 

"Of course. Your mother would be really happy to see you!" Mr. Aizawa said and smiled. "You can smile!?" We all shouted. "Not anymore." He said as his smile dropped. "Why do you guys wanna go to L.A so bad?" Sero asked.

"We have family there." Shinso said. Shinso's phone rang. (S-shinso, a-aizawa, mi-mic, k-kota, e-eri, r-random person in class 3a, h-hachi, z-zayne, Ka-katsuki, i-izuku)

S- Hello.

Z- Yo! What's up shin?

S- Nothing much. Just sitting in the common room talking.

Z- That's nice. So uh, you know how Hachi likes to fight?

S- Yeah, and?

Z- Well, she and Kat are having an argument and I'm afraid she might actually kill him.

S- Does she have any sweets in her purse?

Z- *shuffling* No, none.

S- Okay. Hand your phone to her.

Z- Okay. *Footsteps* *Yelling*

Ka- You can't be serious! You can't take my phone! 

H- I call bullsh*t! You know d*mn well I could care less!

I- Stop fighting! 

H- He started it! He decided it would be funny to pour water on me when I was eating!

Ka- It was funny! Jay is still laughing!

H- She's laughing because you have a wet spot on the crotch of your f**king pants!

Ka- I'll kill you!

H- I'm a bad b**ch! You cant kill me!

Z- Cheshire! Kota is on the phone!

H- You can't tell me that- *Gasp* Are you serious?

Z- Yep! Now please don't kill anyone.

H- Oh! My baby blackberry! How are you?!-

H- That's not Kota.

K- I'm here mama!

H- *Extremely dramatic gasp* My baby!

A- Let me connect the phone to the television so we can all see you.

H- Okay!

Mr. Aizawa connected Shinso's phone to the TV and the screen showed a rooftop. We saw a pinkett with cat ears and tail pop up.

H- Is it connected.

A- Yep!

H- Great, now. Where is my blackberry?

K- Hey mama!

H- *squeal* My baby! How are you!?

K- Good! Where is papa?

Z- Right here! No Kat, you can't blow up your phone! Zashi will be ticked!

The black haired male had showed up. The pinkett set the phone down and walked off. 

H- I'm gonna show you something!

She did a flip and landed in the splits before doing a sommersault backwards and standing up. A blonde ran to the screen and grabbed the phone.

Ka- Hah! Karma,

H- Give me back my phone! You old angry pomeranian!

Ka- Never!

The blonde looked at the screen and we all recognized him. He scrunched his nose and looked backwards. 

H- Give me my phone or I will throw rocks at you in your f**king sleep!

Ka- Aunt Everheart! There's a f**king cat chasing me!

Ae- You probably deserve it. Stop running!

Ka- Thanks for your help!

H- Katsuki Bakugo! Don't make me get Zu!

Katsuki stopped hot in his tracks.

Ka- No, please! I beg of you! I don't wanna go a week without it!

H- *laughs* That's what I thought! Now gimme my phone!

Katsuki handed the pinkett her phone. A woman with brown hair and yellow eyes walked into the frame.

Ae- It's the first day of school! How many times have I told you guys not to run in the halls? And if your going to kill each other you have to have the right equipment for the job! Now get back to the rooftop or else zu is going to kill you both!

Ka and H- Yes Aunt Everheart!

Ka- Hang up the phone you b**ch!

H- Call me that one more time and I will not hesitate to pull your teeth out one by one without anesthesia.

Ka- Fine. Jeez.

I- You do know that your in trouble right?

Ka and H- Yes....

H- It was his fault though!

I- Shut up and sit down.

The two nodded and the pinkett set the phone down. The sat down and another figure walked into the frame. It was to far to tell who it was. 

K- Bye papa!

Z- Bye son! And remember-

H- Bye blackberry!  Don't forget, anyone who tests you...

K H, and Z- Deserves any beating they get!

K- I won't !

The call ended and we looked at the other four who were laughing. "Is that their family motto?" Mineta asked laughing. "It is!" Kota chirped making the others double over in laughter. "I-I can't!" Monoma said. We ignored them and went on with our day.

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