°•~Chapter twenty four~•°

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♡Izuku's P.O.V♡

◇Two months later, friday◇

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw Hachi outside. I quirked a brow and looked out of the window. I opened the window slightly and heard her conversation.(H= hachi, ???= unknown)

H- I don't care! 

???- I understand. Could we meet later?

H- *sigh* yeah. Sure. What time?

???- Is 4:30 okay?

H- Yeah. Where do you wanna meet?

???- Well, I was thinking we could meet there. At the mansion.

H- I suppose that should be fine. And bring them as well. No one else.

???- you got it. 

H- Yeah. I've gotta go. Be here on time.

???- no worries. I will be.

She sighed and hung up. "I swear. I'm not doing this anymore. I'll kill the next person who tries." She said to herself and pinches the bridge of her nose. She turned and walked to the door. She walked in and looked up at me. "Oh, hey Izu! I suppose you heard that?" She asked.

I nodded. "What was that about?" I asked. She sighed. "Some other mafia wanting to make a deal of some sort." She said rubbing her temples. I nodded. "You want some coffee?" I asked grabbing a mug. "Yes please." She said sitting down. 

We quickly ate and headed out to her car. The others had left early to plan some suprise for her and put me in charge of making sure she got there. She started driving and turned on some music. She smiled and sang along to the song. I smiled and sweat dropped at her mood change.

We arrived at the school and got out of the car. She turned off the car and we headed inside. She swayed her hips as she walked. When we reached the doors it was silent. "What the h*ll is going on? Why is it so quiet?" She mumbled. She walked around the school. "Where is everyone?" She wondered.

I looked at her. "Maybe we should try the gym?" I said in mock confusion. She snapped and pointed. "To the gym!" She said and we walked to the gym. When we arrived in front of the door she tried to open it. "I'll find another way around I said. She nodded and tried at the door again. 

I walked far away and pulled out my phone. I dialed Zayne's number. He picked up quickly and talked into the phone. (Z- Zayne, I- izuku)

Z- Hello?

I- Hey. She's trying to get the door open. Are you guys ready?

Z- yeah. Y'all can enter.

I hung up the phone and rushed back to the pinkett. "There's no other ways around. Try using your claws." I suggested. She nodded and extended her claws. She picked the lock and turned the know.

It turned and she pushed the door open. "It's dark." I muttered. She looked at me. "No it's not. What do you mean?" She asked confused. "You have night vision. You can see in the dark doofus." I said. "Oh. Right. Here hold my hand." She said. I grabbed her hand and we slowly walked down the steps, our heels clacking against the stairs.

"Here we are." She said. She walked through a door and turned on the light revealing the locker room. "Strange. I can't hear anything." She said as her ears twitched. She walked over and opened the door leading to the gym. We walked through and the lights were off. "What in the h*ll? Why are the lights off everywhere?!" She yelled annoyed.

I ran off and stood with the others. She turned and flipped the light switch. "SUPRISE!" We all shouted. She jumped five feet in the air and turned around with her hand on her chest. "AAH! DON'T DO THAT!" She yelled in shock. She stopped for a minute and took in her surroundings.

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