Chapter 3: Chance Encounters

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*Hey, guys. Sorry for taking so long to update this story. Chapter 4 will be coming out a lot faster, so I hope you enjoy Chapter 3.

I also watched Wakfu Season 4 a few weeks ago, so that'll affect my plans for later chapters in this crossover.

Even after transmitting some more Wakfu into his system, Nox was still in pretty bad shape. The gaping hole in his chest was nowhere close to being fixed and every single breath he took was just barely audible. All the Xelor could do now was lay down in his chair, cursing Goku for having the audacity to do this much damage to him.

That boy was becoming far more of a thorn in his side than he ever anticipated. Because of him, his initial plans to kill the dragon, Grougaloragran, were now brought to a sudden stop.

"How could one irksome little rugrat possess such abilities? It doesn't make any sense!" Nox growled. "That much energy should belong to me, not him! I'm the one who truly needs it, after all..."

He lowered his head in deep, growing sadness. Thoughts of his former life as the watchmaker, Noximilien Coxen, came to mind before they vanished, much like the loving family he once had.

"I need it... to see them again."

Thinking about Galanthe, Quartz, Aiguille, and Pulsar brought him nothing, but pain deep down inside. He clutched the sides of his face and whimpered to himself in growing self-hatred. If it weren't for that infernal cube, they possibly could have survived that dreaded day.

"Aw, you poor thing."

Nox looked up to see a voluptuous, blue-skinned demon floating slightly above him. The look on her face was more condescending than sympathetic.

"Hearing your past is almost enough to make me shed a tear..." Towa then mockingly smirked. "...if you weren't so sad and pathetic, of course."

Not even bothering to respond, Nox brandished his longsword and shot a blast of Wakfu at her. The demonic scientist spun her brown spear around and effortlessly dispersed the attack into small particles of energy.

"What?! I-Impossible!"

She yawned and rested a hand on her cheek whilst continuing to float in midair.

"Save your strength, Xelor. After everything that Son Goku just did to you, you'll be in no condition to fight for quite some time."

Nox tilted his head to the side. "Son Goku? You know who that brat is?"

"Why, of course I do. I know practically everything there is to know about him, his strength, his past, and..." She brushed her white hair to the side and raised a single finger. "... his true nature."

The Xelor's eyes widened. He didn't trust this woman for a second, but her apparent knowledge about the monkey-tailed boy, Goku, was intriguing, nonetheless.

"Alright. I'm listening... whoever or whatever you are."

"Ah, yes, I suppose I should introduce myself," The woman said with a slight curtsy. "My name is Towa and I am a scientist from the Demon Realm. I have not encountered Goku directly as of yet, but my brother, Demon King Dabura, has in the past. That encounter... did not go well for him, as much as it pains me to admit."

She growled just thinking about the utter humiliation her brother went through. Being turned into a cookie was a fate worse than death, especially for proud demons like themselves.

"Nevertheless, I have manipulated both time and space to analyze the Saiyan warrior, Son Goku's, past battles. Although he may look like a child to you, he is, in actuality, a grown man with many years of experience in martial arts under his belt. Some say that he may be capable of destroying the entire multiverse at full power, believe it or not."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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