Gael - That Was a Complete Waster of Time

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The truth is, I have no idea what's going on. We're talking about something. April's parents could be good friends, not parents or family members.

"Yes so back to the topic at hand. Our daughter?" Her mom stopped and asked.

Here we go again. I don't understand why April wanted me to come here, teach them or something?

"What did she really say to you?" Her dad asked.

I tried to remember back in every interaction I had with Dolores. Can't think of much.

"Dude make up bullshits, I can't think of anything. Be right back." April said and left. What. WHAT. GET BACK HERE.

"Oh not much really, it's more of.... what she.... shows?" I said. I've been ASMR tapping every sentence to ensure that shit is not going to come down.

"What did she show?"

"... Her... music is very.... emotional and it speaks a-" I stopped abruptly.

Her dad tapped twice on the couch for some idiotic reasons that has now sent the whole universe off into imbalance and need to be restore right away. Or else everything bad will come crashing down. Tap one more time, fool.

I think it must've sent me to a fight or flight state except I picked freeze.

This is supposed to be about April but you have to put your best friend on whole when the entire galaxy is being threaten by an unstoppable force.

Usually, I'm able to accept that the universal crisis only revolve around me, so only the rituals I do matters. But lately, I feel as if what other people are doing can and will affect things as well.

So if he doesn't add one more tap to the sequence, this house might explode. Or I will get a heart attack, even though I'm too young to get one but I might. Or if we're thinking more realistically, my dad could get a heart attack.

I stopped listening to the outside world as dark (new stories ideas) scenarios run by me and started to dissociated.

Probably, I'm a mouth breather right at that moment, but I need him to get in his tap.

I think Hudson is waving his hand in front of me but I didn't really see it. Every sound is distorted in my ear.

All I know is that he has to tap one more time or bad things will happen.

One more time or bad things will happened.

I don't how it happened but he must've understood it somehow. I see the last tap and fall back into reality.

April was already back with a can of caviar in her hand. I blinked. Everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I asked. "I need to go to the bathroom-" I left anyway. Of course April decided to follow, leading me to the right place.

I slammed the door close and made sure it was locked.

"Okay, okay, okay. Sorry for ruining your moment," I said, "This was supposed to be about you but-"

"Yeah whatever, what the hell was that? I went to steal our breakfast caviar to tip them over the edge so they can invite you out. Honestly, I don't know why I thought coming here was a good idea. Didn't help much about my past. Still same thing."

I didn't answer, "How's the plan gonna work? They're rich they're not gonna notice one of their caviar tins is gone. Why do you eat that for breakfast?

I washed my hand and reached for the soap bottle, but then took back. Why is it pink, neon and glowing? This isn't a commercial cooking kitchen. I am not washing my hand using that. Bleh.

"Oh no, I was gonna take like a dozen or so."

I had to rewash my hands many time due to suspicious glowing soap. They're rich can't they use normal soap?

"Anyway, since my parents didn't work, we need to talk with Heather or Hudson next," She explained, "They were closer to me than my parents were."

"Ugh okay ew." I dried my hands on some fluffy towels. They have a bathroom shelf? I mean the room is big but a whole big shelf for the bathroom with just towels??

We went outside and April went into the kitchen to steal more caviar. Honestly, I don't think caviar for breakfast everyday is healthy. They look disgusting to start off.

I rejoined the others.

"Sorry about that."

"Alright," Dolores's mom waved her hand away, "So as you were saying."

"Hmm? Oh yes. I just connected with your daughter with music. It told me... everything I need to know?" Wow I am not sounding very convincing right now. "Tell me more about Apr- Dolores." I changed the subject.

"They don't know much about her," I heard Hudson mumbled quietly. They didn't heard him.

"Quiet... smart.... talented. Unfortunately she got with a bad group of people that distracted her. She's quite sad most of the time," Her dad informed us.

"What's... her dream?" Maybe that could be her unfinished task or whatever.

"We always wanted her to get a law degree and a doctor degree," Her mom said wishfully.

That literally does not help because that's their dream, not hers.

"Excuse ma'am, sir, the caviar seem to be missing a few dozen tins," The butler guy said as he walked into the room. Her mom shoot up immediately.

"Not the caviar! And the ostrich eggs?" She exclaimed.

"Those are still intact but we must look into this immediately," He replied.

The couple shooed us away and told us to never come back, as they hurriedly went to investigate the case of their precious fish eggs.

Me and Hudson walked out from the marble driveway down to the front gate. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw April dumping the eggs into a river nearby, then she joined us.

Next down the list is Hudson and Heather, so I have to do something to keep talking to him.

"So you live nearby?" I asked, knowing that I have a long walk until I get back.

"Yeah, umm... see you..." He said, walking away in the opposite direction of where I was going.

I awkwardly waved, "Bye.."


As I climbed in my room, Harry waved at me.

"I did not tell anyway as you wished," He said, "No one asked anyway."


"But your mom had kicked your dad out of the house, they'll get a lawyer and a court case to make the divorce official. And custody will also be discuss there. Did you know that divorces are quite rare here in-"

"Yeah, thanks Harry." I don't really want to think about that right now.

I flopped down on my bed as Harry returned to his reading about reasons why other planets could hold life.

I vaguely remembered how Aimee predicted my death. But it's so vague. Similar to someone who is a great significant to me?

That could mean I burn. Or drown. Or get murdered, and that could mean stabbed, or shot, or poison by anyone other than me. Or commit suicide, which is also vague because it can be anything at all.

How do I want to die?

Old age, surrounded by loved ones is boring.

I want it to take me by surprise. Alone. Without the knowledge of anyone, just slipping away.

It's a sad way to die, but I think everyone have a preferred way to die, if that make sense.



WOOHOO ABOUT..... 20 more chapters to edit


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu