Strings and Stones

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A crude wooden puppet of Robin drops into a spotlight. Its features were carved into it with a knife and the wood grain was apparent beneath the thin cracked paint. It's dry hair flopping around as the strings collect themselves into a more human pose. "Titan's go!" a raspy voice whispers from above as the puppet makes a pointing gesture. The toy leaps across a wooden stage only to realise that he is alone. "Hey!" Another spotlight lights up across the stage to show similar puppets in the image of the other titans and (Y/N) all in dejected slumped-over poses. "Aren't you guys coming?"

Robin falls limp on the floor. The Raven puppet springs to life hopping to its feet with its wirey purple hair flopping around before collecting itself and lying back on the floor. "What's the point? We can't possibly defeat the Puppet King...." The Raven puppet falls back to the floor. 

The (Y/N) puppet flails about in a similar manner and collects itself. "The Puppet King is far too strong and powerful for us..."

The Starfire puppet springs to life. "Not to mention, smart and good-looking..."

"Yeah. We should probably just surrender now." The cyborg puppet said listlessly staring at the floor.

"Dude..." The Beast Boy puppet said as it looked up at the black sky. "I think we already have..." The puppet points upwards towards the "man" controlling them all.

The figure makes a choking chuckle as he looks down at his creations. His face is cast in shadow. The sound of his joints creaking and rattling with every movement, his eyes reflecting off of the stage lights. "Bravo, bravo..." The sound of wood smacking against wood can be heard in applause. "But enough rehearsal..." Wood creaks as the man tries to grin. "Time to start the show..."

(Y/N)'s fourth mission with the Titans was underway, he had just caught a vault door to stop it from falling on a group of civilians Beast Boy glances from (Y/N) back to the bank as the three culprits make themselves visible. "Hey, I know those guys!" (Y/N) called as he put down the door. Three of the robbers he caught over a month ago proudly walked out of the bank with high-tech weaponry.

Barry was kitted out in power gauntlets with a bandolier of bright red grenades matching the rather shoddy paint job on his gauntlets. Greg was wearing a blue headband with electrodes on both his temples, and his gloves were capped off with a similar shade of blue. Trevor was still somewhat skittish but was wearing a full-faced mask with bright yellow circular goggles and a large backpack. 

(Y/N) snaps his fingers over and over again trying to remember their names. "No, it's not coming to me."

"Who cares!" Beast Boy yanked (Y/N) aside to the other titans behind an overturned car as one of Barry's grenades is tossed at his feet. 

"Yeah, and I think we're about to get an introduction pretty soon." Cyborg turns his right hand into his sonic cannon.

(Y/N) looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "Huh?"

"The supervillains tend to enjoy speaking to large crowds when they make their debut." Starfire said as she peeked over the car.

"You get used to it after about fifty of 'em." Cyborg shrugged and sure enough, Greg stepped forward.

"People of Jump City! It's come to my attention that you're all in great need of a team of supervillains! Well me and my crew have come to fill the gap in that market!"

"I remember his crew being a lot bigger." (Y/N) thought aloud.

"Probably preferred stayin' in prison..." Beast Boy sighed.

"We are the Shadow Triad! I am Doctor Cipher!" Beast Boy snorted as he tried to contain his laughter. "This is Crusher!" Cipher gestured towards Barry. "And this is Scuttle! Don't stand in our way if you know what's good for you!" A birdarang flies through Cipher's head as if he was a ghost.

"Son of a God" A Teen Titans X Male Reader StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя