The Task Part 2

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(Y/N) slowly lowers the samurai down to the fountain with the queen and the blond woman. Speedy gets close and lightly slaps the queen's face to wake her up. The woman slowly opens her eyes. And sees the heroes.

She tries to stand and fight, but she quickly realises her hands, and ankles are bound by the blond woman's dreads. The queen quickly falls back down again. "Now..." Speedy says. "We need some help tracking down your leader Ace and your fourth member."


"Oh good, you can talk. Where can we find them?"

"Isn't it obvious? King resides in the castle, watching over us with his supreme intellect."

"How do we get there?"

"If Ace wishes for you to be there."

Speedy groaned and looked to the others. "What do we do?"

Kid Flash shrugged. "Don't look at me. You and Herald have been the playmakers so far."

(Y/N) thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers. "That's it. Herald!" (Y/N) turns to the cloaked boy. "What do you think? Can you get us inside?" 

Herald looked up at the large castle. "I think so." He croaked his voice still not fully recovered from the continued blast of soundwaves he shot at the samurai. "I'll need you to take me to that stone wall in the maze."

"How come?"

"We'll have to travel through Limbo. It's not exactly a place you'd like to spend a vacation so I recommend we travel as short a distance as possible."

"Wait, how is this going to work?" Cassie asked. "Can't you just make a portal to the other side of the wall?"

"Trust me, I wish it was that simple. When I go through Limbo the way I do on the job I have to make hundreds if not thousands of shoet calculations in my head to know where I'm coming out. If I'm not careful, I can slip and fall into another dimension entirely or just keep falling forever. I don't want any of you getting stuck like that." Herald takes out his horn. "I guess I'm getting a little attached to working in a team."

As Herald prepared himself (Y/N) thought for a moment. This 'team' was far more welcoming than the Titans. Maybe he could work with these guys again? It was actually pretty fun. "Task Force J, come in." Waller finally made her presence known over the comms. 

"What is it, Waller?" Speedy asked.

"The situation has changed." Speedy raises his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, our initial plan isn't going to cut it anymore. The lab techs have found out that this psychic projection you're in isn't going to go away if Ace is left in Limbo."

"So the plan's a bust!?" Cassie asked.

"I was getting to that." Waller was beginning to sound more irritated. "We've prepared a device that will cut off the activity in her mind."

"Making her brain dead..." Herald said sadly. 

"Yes, but it's the only solution we have."

"Waller, this isn't what -" Speedy began. 

"You were all perfectly content to banish her to another dimension as far as I'm concerned. This is the more humane option."

"That's not how it would hav-!" Herald snapped back.

"I'll do it." (Y/N) said. Everyone looks at him shocked. 

"Very good, Sunman. I'll meet you at the entrance to the park to deliver the device."

"Son of a God" A Teen Titans X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now