The Task Part 1

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(Y/N) knew a lot about Gotham. Mostly through his research on the Titans. He knew it was once guarded by The Batman and Robin. Nowadays since the Justice League's disappearance, a gaggle of younger heroes has risen up to take on the struggle of Batman.

He flew over the noticeably quiet streets. "Odd." He thought. After everything he'd heard, he expected Gotham to be more crime-ridden. 

(Y/N) is brought out of his train of thought by a sprinting silhouette in the corner of his eye a shadow being cast on the buildings from the street lights. It jumped from building to building using some kind of grappling hook. 

Curious, (Y/N) flew over to the silhouette. He looked down to see a red-haired kid in a bright red uniform close to (Y/N)'s age. He looked strikingly similar to Robin. "Hello there!" (Y/N) said cheerfully. 

The boy looked up still running along. "Oh! Hello!" The boy was quick and formal.

"What brings you to Gotham friend? Are you from around here?"

"Can't say I am. You?"

"Not in the least. What brings you here?"

"I don't think I'm at liberty to say." When it came time to jump across the street the boy pulled out a bow and arrow and shot a rope across the street. The boy impressively ran across the wire as if it were as wide as a sidewalk. "Government mission if you can believe it." The boy sounded extremely proud of himself. 

"Really? I'm the same." As soon as (Y/N) said this the boy stopped. He turned.

"You're here on a government mission?" He asked. (Y/N) nodded. "Well... I suppose we're working together."

(Y/N) smiled. "Sunman." (Y/N) offers a hand for the boy to shake.

"Speedy. So you're on Waller's team as well?"

"Sure am. Have you spied any other heroes on your way here?"

"Nothing but the usual birds." (Y/N) looked Speedy up and down. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh! No, it's just... you remind me of someone."

Speedy smiled. "A good friend I hope!" He continues to run.

(Y/N) chuckles slightly. "I wish." Before flying after his new teammate. As (Y/N) and Speedy approach the agreed meeting place. (Y/N) begins to notice three more figures. 

While on his right was Speedy on the ground beneath him he spots a yellow streak running through the streets. To his left, he spies someone running quickly through portals with the melodic sound of a trumpet reverberating through the streets. Above him, he spies a blond-haired girl with two pigtails flying with two little wings on her shoes.

"Our teammates I'm guessing!?" Speedy calls as he jumps another gap. 

"Must be..." Something about this smelled fishy. He probably shouldn't mention it though. He was worried it would hurt Speedy's feelings. "What do you have planned Waller?"

Speedy and (Y/N) stand outside a park looking out at a bizarre and twisted landscape like something out of a children's storybook. A vast field of thorny bushes and oddly coloured trees led up to a large castle with a twisting storm of dark clouds overhead. "Don't see that every day..." Speedy said feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the scale of the situation. 

"Everyone's got to step up sometime. No time like the present." (Y/N) says calmly as he makes his way towards a group of soldiers.

"You sound way too calm given what we're walking into." Speedy says as he follows.

"I've seen my share of phenomena like this. Though never something that felt..." He brushes his hand over some wood feeling the red sap between his fingers. "so real."  

"Son of a God" A Teen Titans X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now