Coming Around Again

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Raven and Beast Boy slowly carried (Y/N) through the halls of the tower. "Where should we put him? We don't exactly have a spare bed lying around." Beast Boy was having a hard time carrying (Y/N) like this as his height made his feet drag across the floor and his weight was not helping things.

"We can let him sleep in the medbay..." Raven said breathlessly.

"What about Robin?" 

"He'll get over it."

"Yeah, sure he will." Beast boy chuckled.

"We can't leave him on the side of the road, and we don't know where he lives. This is the only option we've got." Raven and Beast Boy are caught off guard by someone yelling from behind them.

"Yo!" Cyborg called out from across the hall. "What the heck happened to you!? And what's he doing here!?"

"It's kind of a long story, Cy..." Beast Boy sighed.

Cyborg scratched his head. "You were only gone for an hour."


"We'll explain later." Raven cut in. "We need to get him to the medbay." She gestures to (Y/N)'s almost lifeless sleeping body.

"What happened to him?"

"Among other things, sleep deprivation."

Cyborg makes an unsure noise. "Sure, let's get him checked out. We better make sure to avoid Robin, though this'll knock his cape off." He takes (Y/N) off their hands and carries him through the halls. Cyborg looks at (Y/N)'s damaged costume and the many bruises and cuts across his whole body.  

Unbeknownst to the titan's (Y/N)'s communicator slips out from behind his cape onto the floor with a quiet clatter masked by Cyborg's heavy footsteps. 

The journey to the medbay with Cyborg's help was much easier than it would have been with just Beast Boy and Raven dragging (Y/N) through the halls. After finding a lone bed at the very end of the medbay to keep him as far away from the entrance as possible, Cyborg began running some short tests and examinations.

Cyborg looked at a CT scan of (Y/N)'s body in amazement. "What are we lookin' at here, Cy?" 

"He looks like a human." 

"Yeah, we noticed." Beast Boy was sitting impatiently in a chair bouncing his knee while Raven quietly read a book. 

"Sure, but it's all the little things where his species, whatever it is, made improvements." Cyborg changes the image to show a scan of (Y/N)'s eye. "Look at this." Beast Boy squints at it cluelessly. Cyborg sighs and pulls up an image of the inside of Beast Boy's eye. "See now?" 

"It's backwards?" 

"Sorta. (Y/N)'s retinas are flipped around compared to the average human, letting information reach his brain faster and giving him no blindspot." Cyborg chuckles.

"He can see through walls, shoot lasers out of his eyes, and you're focusing on that?"

"Look, ya don't get it!" Cyborg pulls up a bunch of images and videos. "His arteries have been placed in better spots so nerves aren't so close to the skin, he doesn't have any wisdom teeth, his knee joints have more in common with ball joints than hinges, heck he doesn't even have an appendix!"

"What about his hearing?" Raven asked, finally looking up from her book. "It seems to be the only thing he has that's close to a weakness."

"I don't know!" Cyborg laughs. "It's probably a side effect from making his hearing stronger he's probably more susceptible to motion sickness too."

"Son of a God" A Teen Titans X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now