Just West of Weird

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(Y/N) slowly opens his eyes after a long slumber. He saw the shape of a woman in a grey cloak looking over him as his eyes adjusted. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Hello?" When he finally looked around, his face contorted into a mixture of surprise, curiosity, fear, and irritation. "Where the heck..." 

Around him was a bizarre void of darkness speckled with red stars and floating islands in the distance. It reminded him vaguely of Herald's void. Deeply confused (Y/N) scratched his head and decided to call out for the person watching him. "Hello!?" His voice echoes into the void. "I saw you when I woke up, I'm a little disorientated, I was hoping you could tell me where I am!?" He looks around and thinks of an addition to the question that would probably be helpful. "Or how I got here exactly!?" 

When he gets no response (Y/N) grumbles and squats down, cupping his hands over his ears to get a better listen at his surroundings. He heard what he would assume is the ordinary around here. He heard birds cawing and flapping in the distance. He heard water dripping somewhere, but then he heard feet shuffling. 

The cloaked figure nervously watched (Y/N) from behind a tall boulder, but suddenly he vanished. The woman slowly backs away but squeals bloody murder when she bumps into someone behind her. "Woah, woah!" (Y/N) tried to calm her down but stopped when he realised who it was. "Raven?"

Raven dressed in a grey cloak cowers away from him. (Y/N) is surprised. She's normally unbothered by him, at least as far as he knew. "I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry." He said softly.

"N-no, I should apologise for running away... and for everything else..."

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow. "Did you bring me here?" She shook her head. "Then what's there to apologise about?" He chuckled. 


"Do you know the way out?" She nods. "Then help me get out of here, and we'll call it even. To be honest, though, I'm not even sure what you think you did wrong."

Raven whimpers at the sound of an explosion accompanied by the tumbling of rocks down a cliff face. (Y/N) quickly looked around for the source before kneeling to the cowering Raven's eye level. "What was that, Raven?" When Raven didn't respond (Y/N) admittedly got a little irritated at the amount of info he was getting out of her. 

The irritation quickly washed away when he realised this was probably how Raven felt the majority of the time she had to deal with him. (Y/N) stood up. "Wait here. I'm going to go see what it is." When he stood up, Raven grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. 

"NO! Don't go!" She squealed.

"What's out there, Raven?" 

"Something terrifying."

A roar caught (Y/N)'s attention he looked back at Raven and smiled. "Then it's a good thing I'm here." He gently removed her hands. "I'll be right back. I promise."  He quickly flew off, and Raven watched sadly. As if a gust of wind rolled in the gray, Raven vanished without a sound.

(Y/N) quickly realised that flying wasn't a good idea. For some reason, gravity kept flipping around, giving him an odd feeling of seasickness. He went wherever he thought was down and took a moment to collect himself.

The rumbling was getting closer. Whatever IT was, it wasn't going in a specific direction. It sounded a lot more mindless than (Y/N) first thought. Still, the thought of something genuinely scaring Raven did rattle him slightly even if she was acting odd. 

(Y/N) slowly traversed the rocky terrain it reminded (Y/N) of the training he'd done on other planets, which involved a lot of climbing mountains and meditating under waterfalls He kept these thoughts on hand if he ever needed to relax a little. 

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