Grass Grows, Birds Fly

615 32 9

(Y/N) slowly descends to a small group of police outside a bank. It was raining heavily, and thunder and lightning cast shadows across the dark streets.

One of them with a rather intense black moustache turns to him in surprise. "Ah! Sunman! I'm glad to see we could get a hold of you, at least!" 'Sunman' was one of many names passed to (Y/N) throughout his time in Jump City. Sunman happened to be the one that won over "Photosynthesis Lad", "Solarboy", "Helios", and ((Y/N)'s least favourite) "Sun Superman".

(Y/N) nods. "I'm sure the Titans are held down someplace else."

"I hope you don't take any offence to you being our second choice."

"Not at all, I hope we can have a good working relationship in the future. Officer..?" (Y/N) offers the policeman a hand, and he shakes it.

"Detective Edward Harvey. And likewise. Sorry to rush you along, but we've got a hostage situation on our hands. Thankfully, with a set of skills like yours, this should be a relative cakewalk."

(Y/N) turns to the bank and squints. He sees through the stone bricks and the plumbing and into the bank itself. "Fifteen hostages, three guards, and four at the vault. Have they given any demands?"

"I'm afraid not. You think you can get this done quietly?"

(Y/N) shrugs. "I can try."

The hostages inside the bank were rather shaken by a sudden gust of wind, the three guards that were watching over them all closely were tied up on the ground with the same duct tape that was used not moments before to bind and gag them.

With another gust of wind, the duct tape holding their ankles together was cut. (Y/N) gave his gentlest smile he could to the hostages as he held the front door open.

He felt bad leaving their mouths covered, but he wanted to make sure they wouldn't make any noise.

(Y/N) closed the front entrance of the bank quietly and dashed over to the vault several rooms away.

The young hero spied on the four remaining robbers with a roll of duct tape still in his left hand.

Greg had finally hit it big. He looked at the horde of gold and dollar bills laid out in front of him.

"Hey, Greg." Trevor asked as he got a bag ready. "Are you sure this was a good idea? There are plenty of towns without these super freaks in them. Why'd we have to come out here?"

Barry wasn't complaining he quickly shovelled anything he could grab into his bag as a flash of lightning accompanied a rumble of thunder.

Greg turned back to Trevor with an exasperated expression. "Because with superheroes there comes- wait, where's Mac?"

The three robbers turned to the vault door. "Wh- he was right behind me!" Trevor looked out the vault door. The hall was empty. "Where the heck did he- agh son of a..." Trevor pulled out a radio and lifted it to his mouth. "Mac-" Trevor stops talking.

He could hear Mac's radio. Each of the robbers looked at the middle of the vault. There was a small radio spinning idly in the middle of the room.

Greg picked it up. "Alright, Barry." Greg turns to look at the stern and silent man who is satisfied with his full bag. "Go get one of the others out in the lobby and get Jessie to get the van started. We may have a superhero in the building."

"WHAT!?" Trevor cried.

"Calm down! This is fine. I've been in worse scrapes, alright!?" Greg shouted. "Keep a cool head, and we both leave this city rich beyond our wildest dreams."

"Son of a God" A Teen Titans X Male Reader StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora