mystry box.

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Part 5
His voice shivering with pain, the tears constantly rolling down to his cheeks and some of them capable of touching the ground.
He shrugs, softly walk back and sat on ground, looking at me with tear full of eyes, his lips trembling and he couldn't be able of talking now cause he stammer.
Than after that i finally saw there is a small skull. Fuck,
that literally scared the shit of me. Fuck.
I step back, terrified looking st that, asked him what the fuck is that? Who's skull is it? You know this is here from beginning right.
He was silent and looking at that ancient box only but he listened every single word which came out of my mouth.
After a fifteen minute of long gap he speakup, yeah knew, there always a skull inside that, and i knew about before you came here.
I was terrified by getting to know that in my cottage, grandpaa's cottage there was a skull, shit man.
I asked him back do you know who's skull it's.
He turn his head and blink his eyes softly, his eye lashes are truely wet and still i can see the tears falling from his eyes and turning his eyes pretty redding now which looks more sexy and which seducing me to get on him but it's not the right time i guess.
He made himself stand and cleaning his cloths, exhealing his breath pretty hard and he took five minutes silent after that with closed eyes.
In that five minutes i noticed his veins started appearing god dam great, that look more sexier than anything for me, he turn his head to me with smile and said, you wann know who's skull?

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