ᴄʜ-22 ꜱɪɴɪꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ

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As Dunk approached the dining room, the soft murmur of conversation drifted through the air, punctuated by the occasional clatter of utensils against plates. His mother's voice, tinged with concern, caught his attention, and he paused just outside the doorway, hesitant to intrude on their discussion.

Mrs. Natachai's expression softened as she turned to address Joong, her eyes shimmering with sympathy.

Mrs. Natachai: "Joong, dear, is everything alright? You seem a bit distant."

Joong's response was measured, his gaze flickering briefly to Dunk before returning to Mrs. Natachai.

Joong: "I'm fine, Mrs. Natachai. Just a bit tired, that's all."

Dunk felt a surge of guilt wash over him at Joong's words, his earlier frustration giving way to a pang of empathy. He couldn't deny the genuine concern in his mother's voice, nor the weariness that seemed to hang heavy on Joong's shoulders.

Dunk cleared his throat, stepping forward into the room to join them.

Dunk: "Hey, Joong. My mom said you could borrow some clothes if you need them."

Joong's eyes brightened at the offer, a faint smile touching his lips as he turned to face Dunk.

Joong: "That would be great, Dunk. Thank you."

Dunk nodded, a sense of relief flooding through him at Joong's acceptance of his mother's hospitality.

Dunk headed upstairs towards his room and retrieved the loosest set of clothing he could find from his wardrobe, a faint sense of discomfort tugging at him as he considered the implications of Joong staying the night. Suppressing his unease, he made his way back downstairs, the fabric of the clothes rustling softly in his grip.

Entering the dining room once more, Dunk set the clothes down on the side table, his eyes briefly meeting Joong's before he took his seat at the table. The scent of warm soup filled the air, a comforting presence amidst the tension that seemed to hover between them.

Mrs. Natachai's voice broke through the silence, drawing their attention as she began to serve the steaming bowls of soup. Dunk watched as Joong accepted his portion with a polite nod, the flickering candlelight casting shadows across his features.

Mrs. Natachai offered them a warm smile, her fatigue evident in the lines that creased her brow.

Mrs. Natachai: "I'm afraid I must retire early tonight, boys. Work calls bright and early tomorrow morning. Good night, boys."

Dunk nodded understandingly, a pang of guilt gnawing at him as he watched his mother rise from the table.

Dunk: "Good night, Mom."

Mrs. Natachai paused, her gaze lingering on Dunk for a moment longer before she turned to Joong.

Mrs. Natachai: "Joong, dear, make yourself at home. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Dunk: "Mom, before you go, where is Dnie?"

Mrs. Natachai: "Oh, she's sleeping, dear. She seemed very tired today."

With a final smile, she disappeared from the room, leaving Dunk and Joong alone once more, the quiet of the evening settling around them like a heavy blanket. 

As the remnants of their dinner disappeared, Joong's voice filled the room once more, breaking the silence that had settled between them like a heavy fog. Dunk listened, his initial discomfort gradually giving way to a reluctant engagement as Joong's words wove a delicate thread of conversation between them.

𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 [JoongDunk]Where stories live. Discover now