Unexpected Serendipity (4)

Start from the beginning

Avni walked besides Neil as he walked them inside the party hall. He introduced Avni to his friend Ali, his wife Rhea, & some other friends while they all greeted her warmly. At the moment, both of them were talking to Rhea when she saw a lady approaching them. She greeted Rhea with a genuine smile & then turned towards Neil as she flashed a smile at him. 

Lady - Look who is finally here! Long time no see, huh Neil? - she teased. 

N - Just work, Tripti! - he scratched the back of his neck. How are you? - he smiled back at her while Avni just watched the two of them interact. 

T - I'm peachy. But, I missed you, babe! - she said making Neil laugh while Avni couldn't really process what she just heard. 

N - I'm sorry to keep you waiting, honey! - he laughed as Tripti put a hand on her chest dramatically making Rhea laugh. 

Avni could feel her eyes stinging as a very known fear gripped her heart. She looked at Tripti through her peripheral vision & then looked at herself with her blurry eyes. 

Of course he thought of him as a kid! She could never be the lady Tripti was! She was elegant & beautiful, while Avni couldn't even walk two steps without stumbling on her own foot. Of course, he would never see her as a woman!   

Avni bit her lips and blinked her eyes rapidly while looking down as she tried to stop the tears from falling down her eyes & shifted on her feet uncomfortably. 

T - Who is this pretty lady, Rhea? - she asked. 

N - Oh! She's Avni. My...my friend! - he introduced before Rhea could. 

T - Oh, Hey! Hi, Avni. I'm Tripti. I was in college with Neil. - she told as she stretched her hand out for a handshake. 

Avni looked up at her, bit the insides of her lips as she looked at Neil who was smiling at her & then again looked back at Tripti. She offered her a small smile as she timidly shook her hand. 

A - Hi, Tripti! You look beautiful! - she complimented genuinely. 

T - Thankyou, Avni! So do you!- she smiled back while Avni just nodded.

The rest of the party went by in a blur for Avni as she tried her best to look alright when what she was feeling was far far away from being alright. She just wanted it to end & cry herself to sleep. 

Neil doubtlessly noticed the shift in Avni's demeanor but couldn't figure what led to it. He even asked her if she was feeling unwell, or if she had a headache, if she wanted to head back home. But every time, she just said that she was okay, however, Neil knew better. So, after the cake was cut, he politely took his leave from Ali. Though he insisted them to stay, Neil convinced him that he'd meet up soon.    

They were in the car when Avni was just looking out of the window as her hands rested on her lap. Exhaling a long breathe, Neil intwined the index finger of his left hand with hers. He slowed down the speed of the car as he tugged on her finger in order to make her look at him. 

N - What's wrong, Avni? - he asked slowly. Do you miss Indore? - he spoke again when she didn't say anything. 

A - No - she shook her head. I'm fine, its..its nothing! I'll be fine. - she tried to give him a small smile but it came out more like a grimace. 

N - Is it about something that I did? Did I..upset you anyway? - he looked at her as he stopped the car at the signal.

A - No! - she chuckled. It's about something you didn't do! - a hopeless sigh left her mouth as she spoke under her breathe but unknown to her, he heard it anyway. 

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