Ch. 64: To Kill a Goddess

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She had the element of surprise. That had to be enough.

Isolde collided with Halson. He stumbled back, his eyes wide, and she kneed him in the chest. He recovered faster than she would have thought possible, dancing backwards out of reach.

"My wayward wife." Halson's lip curled. "How delightful to see you again."

She swung. "Wish I could say the same."

Halson ducked. "You look lighter. Lost a bodyguard, perhaps?"

Isolde's smile was sharp. "Just the nagging husband."

"Ah," Halson said, and something flashed in his eyes. "You've grown claws."

"No," Isolde said. "I've always had claws." She drew a knife from her sheath. "I've just remembered how to use them."

Isolde attacked with force, weaving and slashing. Halson parried each blow. He looked amused, like a cat batting a mouse. Her heartbeat sang in her ears, and her shoulder burned where the knife had cut it. Halson was both faster and stronger, but Isolde had spent years observing people. She'd studied people at the convent like a scientist studying books, learning when they might strike. How fast the blow might come.

Halson was no exception.

The young emperor sprang forward. Isolde absorbed the blow, letting the knife tumble from her hands. Halson's smile was a haunting lullaby.

"Nice try." Halson stalked forward. "I'm sorry to end on our marriage on bad terms, my dove, but you've become a bit of a thorn in my side." He kicked the knife out of her reach. "Sleep well."

Halson raised his weapon. Isolde braced herself.

"Now, Isolde!" Penny cried.

Halson's eyes went blank with confusion. Penny's magic lasted only a heartbeat, but it was the advantage that Isolde needed; she sent out a pulse of purple light, and Halson threw his hands up to shield his eyes. Isolde kicked out her leg; the glass caught the sunlight, igniting in a shower of golden sparks.

The knife slashed through Halson's throat.

Halson made a terrible gurgling sound. His eyes went wide, and he staggered back, his hand clawing uselessly at his throat. Isolde stalked forward. She was winded and her shoulder hurt like hell, but she forced herself to bend. To pick up her fallen knife.

Halson took the shape of her worst memories: the burning museum; her hands pinned to a desk; and Julian, bleeding out in the snow. Julian, his blue eyes wide with pain. I fell in love with your heart first. It was such a godsdamn beautiful place to be.

The fire in her chest blazed brighter.

Isolde caught the scruff of Halson's shirt. His blue eyes were wide and panicked, his breath coming in short wheezes, and a terrible sense of satisfaction roared in her chest. Good. Let him be afraid at the end.

She didn't give a shit.

"You cost me everything," Isolde said softly. "Everything. And now you'll die for it."

She drove the knife through his chest.

Halson let out a terrible sound. And then he was sagging, falling to the grass, the life bleeding out of him before her eyes. Isolde drew a shaky breath. She raised a trembling hand to the ring at her throat, clutching it until the icy metal burned in her hand. To you, I have always been as I see myself.

She closed her eyes.

You knew before I did, Jules. You knew me better than I know myself.

"Isolde!" Penny cried.

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