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Ch. 14: You

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Isaac knocked on the door.

He shifted his weight, staring at the rosewood door. He hadn't visited Camille's rooms at Stillwater Castle very often over the years; their time was spent picnicking by the lake, or riding through the woods, or playing cards at the breakfast table. Their time was spent in public, Isaac thought; it made standing in this dimly lit corridor feel downright clandestine.

"Come in," Camille called.

Isaac pushed open the door.

The room was crammed with items. Fur throw blankets, white pillows, cobbled-together bits of clothing... Isaac stepped gingerly around what appeared to be a tie embroidered with birds. A large duck glared up at him accusingly. Camille sat in the centre of it all, her legs crossed in a pretzel shape. Isaac watched as she held up a tie.

"What," Isaac said, "in the name of the six holy gods are you doing?"

Camille frowned. "I'm counting."

"Right," Isaac said.

Camille held a finger aloft, her mouth forming silent numbers. Then she sighed. "Well, I was counting. I've lost track now."

Isaac picked up a pillow. "I didn't realize you were hosting a slumber party."

"You know who they're for," Camille said.

She snatched the pillow, fluffing it before setting it back on the pile. Isaac — who was itching to pace but couldn't risk doing so without toppling a pile of bandages — crossed his arms. "You missed dinner. Grayson made stew and cheese biscuits. Not as good as his sister's cooking, but surprisingly edible."

Camille turned to the sideboard. "Where did Gray find the ingredients?"

"Penny went into town."

"I see," Camille murmured.

She pulled out a quill, jotting something down on a piece of parchment. She'd divided the Lucernian villagers into three categories, Isaac observed, peeking over her shoulder: men, women, and children. Beneath each group of refugees was a tally of necessary supplies and a list of their names and interests. A lump rose in his throat.

"I thought you'd be in the library," Isaac said.

Camille glanced up. "Why?"

Because that's where you go when you're upset. The words died on his tongue. Because it wasn't true anymore, Isaac realized; she'd changed, somehow. Instead of retreating from the world, this new Camille attacked it.

Isaac shrugged. "Just a guess." He paused. "I'm sorry. About earlier."

Camille's shoulders stiffened. "It's not your fault."

"I think you should consider it," Isaac said. "Ryne's offer, I mean."

Camille turned back to the parchment. "Nobody wants me on a throne. Especially not the kingdom that Lucia's spent the last three months terrorizing." Her fingers were white on the quill. "Trust me."

"People won't see it like that," Isaac said.

"Yes, they will."

Isaac shook his head. "I meant what I said before, Cami. You're smart and compassionate, and you have a good heart. Everybody can see that."

Camille's brown eyes searched his face. When she spoke, there was genuine wonder in her voice. "You really believe that, don't you? Even now, you can only see the good in me. You don't believe me capable of cruelty." She turned back to the parchment. "That makes me worried, you know."

Thread of Ash and Fireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें