Chapter 14

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When I woke, I felt arms around me and sighed. I turned and Harry was asleep, I huffed and got up. I went to take a shower and put tons of makeup on, I was mad. I really was. I got (y/s/n) dressed and we left. I left a quick note for Harry, telling him that we were going out whether he liked it or not.

I didn't take the car. I just got (y/s/n)'s stroller and left. I walked to Louis' flat because he was the closest person, I could walk too. And he never saw (y/s/n) in person, so I wanted him to meet him. So I knocked on the door and waited.

"One sec!" I heard a voice say, I heard the door unlock and it opened. Louis standing there, he looked surprised for a moment then he smiled and hugged me.

"Hey (y/n), what brings you here?"

"I wanted to visit for a bit so you could see your nephew." I said and smiled.

"You brought him? Oh my gosh, come on in. Sorry it's a bit messy, I had a get together." he said and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh no, you're fine Lou. Believe me, me and Harry's flat looks like a bazillion tornadoes went through it." I said honestly.

"Your little bugger is that messy?" he asked

"No... I wish it was him but no Harry loves throwing stuff at me when he's angry." I said and looked away.

"(y/n)..... What does he do to you?" Louis asked concerned and we sat on the couch. I took (y/s/n) out and held him then I just broke. I cried for hours and soon my phone started ringing.

Louis held me on his lap while I picked up and answered to my raging fiance.

"Where the hell are you?!" Harry yelled the moment I picked up.

"Out." I said simply.

Louis told me to put him on speaker and I did.

"Who are you with (y/n)?! I swear if you don't get your ass back to this fucking house, I will beat the hell out of you if I have to find you myself!" he yelled into the phone and my heart stopped.

He has never said that to me. Like ever. I looked over at Louis and his expression was so unreadable. He takes my phone.

"Look here you asshole! You have no right to be talking to a woman like that! What has she ever done to you?! I've heard enough shit come out of your mouth! If you can't treat her right, you're going to lose her, you absolute prick! Until you get your shit together, don't bother calling, texting, or anything because she's done with all your bullshit!" he said and hung up. I looked up at him in shock then I jumped in his arms and hugged him. He held me and laughed a bit.

"It's alright Sunshine. You'll be okay."
Hope you liked it. Tell me how I did. Talk to you all later.

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