"Didn't you just say that you were feeling ill?" Alicent raised her one eyebrow, knowing that Rhaenyra was faking it, the princess had no response back to that. She sent Alicent her last glare before continuing to eat her food. Alicent retracted her eyes away from Rhaenyra and saw a group of men enter the hall. They approached before the queen and bent a knee, "Your grace,"

They stood back up, "There had been some disturbing reports about a murder in the city. We could have handled it quickly but the thing is that the mysterious killing has been going on every night, murdering about a few people in just one moon." The man spoke lowly and faithfully. This information had caused the people at the table to look at him with frown including Rhaenyra who stopped midway from drinking her cup.

"How long has this been going on?" The queen asked,

"Three nights, your grace." 

"Three nights and no one dared to let me know of this situation?" 

Carlisle then switched his gaze to the queen with a low and reassuring look, "Your grace, we did not want to disturb your peace for this. We have thought that it was just some kind of usual crime but the number of deaths had gone up. We were supposed to handle it." 

Alicent glared at him, "Despite that, I still have the right to know of this happening." She scolded before averting her eyes back to the men before the table, "I suppose you have something else in mind to tell me because clearly this information could've just waited to be brought into the council room since you've all managed to keep this from me." 

The men sighed while Carlisle leaned back on his chair, boring his hand to his mouth while his elbow rests at the arm chair. The man nodded with an assured look, "We have managed to name the culprit." He answered.

"Well go on, do not keep me waiting." Alicent spoke in a hurry.

"I believe he his name is De raumon Attor, your grace." 

"Is he someone known? I'm quite unfamiliar with his name." Alicent squinted her eyes, the knight nodded,

"Yes, your grace. We had found out that he came from a well known forgotten house. A Black." 

Alicent massaged her temples in distress, with a sigh she said, "If not the traitors in this council, the person who's been sending my father these informative letters, then this nuisance of a crime committed by a man from a forgotten family, a black you say." she mutters in frustration. She let her hand fall down to her lap and looked at them once more with a heavy sigh. She nodded in doubt, "Alright. Alright, fine, I am inviting you to join the meeting tomorrow. Tonight isn't the night for this discussion."

They all gave her a respective nod, "Yes, your grace. Forgive us for the trouble. We must take our leave now." They bowed their head before turning back and walking away to exit. The young princess gave her step-mother a one last glance before sipping her drink. 

couldn't the night get any more better?

After last night, Rhaenyra had woken up into her chambers by having the sun reflect through the window. She slowly opened her eyes and decided that she would just roam through the place after finding out from her lady Merla that her grace the queen is on a meeting at the council meeting room. She wore a simple yellow dress and didn't bother to make an effort of doing something extra to her hair. Just a simple strand to pull back. 

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