9.) Day 1: Boot Camp

Start from the beginning

One by one, the soldiers began to copy Minjae, their fear and hesitation slowly melting away. Soon, the sounds of clashing metal and the thud of wood against leather filled the air. Minjae could hear the soldiers' voices, strong and determined, calling out as they practiced their forms.

"You are warriors," Minjae cried. "Act like it."

And with those words, a spark was ignited in the hearts of the soldiers. They fought with renewed vigor, their blades shining in the sunlight.

Minjae watched proudly as his soldiers improved. They were no longer the weak, malnourished soldiers he had seen upon his arrival. They were strong and resilient, their bodies honed and hardened from the rigorous training.

Before ending morning drills, Minjae produced a test that would test each soldier's skills and it would help Minjae place the soldiers into their respective ranks. The test consisted of archery, swordsmanship, and hand to hand combat. With this test, Minjae would be able to observe both his soldier's stamina and skill. Only the ones that would pass would be able to get breakfast while the others would have to keep trying until they passed this test.


"I don't think I can do this," one of the soldiers said, his voice quivering.

"Me neither," another chimed in.

"Don't worry, I'll help you," Minjae reassured, placing a hand on the soldier's shoulder.

"Remember, it's not about winning or losing. It's about doing your best and giving it your all."

With Minjae's encouragement, the soldiers stepped up to the challenge, their faces set with determination. The test was long and arduous, but the soldiers persevered, pushing themselves to their limits. Minjae watched proudly as his soldiers rose to the occasion, their skills and stamina improving with each passing day.

In the end, the soldiers were exhausted, but they had passed the test. They had shown Minjae their true potential and their dedication to the empire.

"Well done, soldiers," Minjae said, his voice filled with pride. "You have earned your breakfast."


Today's breakfast consisted of carbs, protein, and vegetables. Rice and kimchi were staple but as an added treat, Galbi-tang soup was also served. Soldiers lined up by rank to be served.

Minjae being royalty should've sat separately from his soldiers but Minjae didn't want that. He wanted to eat with his soldiers and experience what they were experiencing. 

"Your Majesty, please, sit down," one of the soldiers pleaded.

"Nonsense, I will eat with you," Minjae replied, taking a seat at the table.

The soldiers were surprised and honored by the gesture. They knew that their emperor was a humble and selfless man, but they never expected him to dine with them.

As the meal progressed, the soldiers shared stories and jokes, their spirits high. Minjae fit right in, telling jokes and stories of his own. The atmosphere was light and jovial, a stark contrast to the seriousness of the training.

By the end of the meal, the soldiers were full and content. They had bonded with their emperor and gained a newfound respect for him. He was not only a skilled leader, but he was also a kind and caring man. He was much different than what most people thought of him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for sharing this meal with us," one of the soldiers said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"It was my pleasure," Minjae replied, his eyes twinkling.


With a short break, training resumed. The hot sun beat down on the soldiers as they trained. Minjae could see beads of sweat dripping down their faces, their muscles straining as they ran through practice skirmishes and tactical situations. Then came lunch and another short break. After lunch was specialty training, medics, archers, swordsmen, and calvary.

The medics were tasked with learning how to treat wounds and illnesses. They were taught how to dress and stitch wounds, as well as how to administer basic medications. The archers were given extra lessons on how to shoot more accurately and the swordsmen were taught how to wield their weapons effectively. The calvary were taught how to ride and maneuver their horses as well as how to shoot bows and swords whilst on a horse.

Minjae preformed and sometimes taught lessons to the soldiers. After the soldiers had gotten the hang of it, Minjae and his advisors would watch and take notes. This way they could improve the training and make it more efficient.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers are exhausted," one of the officials remarked.

"I know, but we must push them," Minjae replied, his voice firm. "They must be ready for the war."

"But, Your Majesty, the soldiers are already doing the best they can," the official protested.

"It is not enough," Minjae shot back. "The empire is depending on us. We cannot let them down."

"But, Your Majesty-"

"Enough," Minjae interrupted, his voice cold and authoritative. "The soldiers will continue their training. That is final."

With a sigh, the official relented, knowing that there was no point in arguing with the emperor.


At the end of the day, was a role call. The soldiers were lined up by rank and called out. Minjae had noticed that some of the lower-ranked soldiers had been struggling with the training. He decided that he would give them a chance to prove themselves and move up the ranks.

"Those who have not yet passed the test will be given an opportunity to do so tomorrow," Minjae announced. "Those who fail will be demoted."

The soldiers murmured amongst themselves, their whispers filled with anxiety.

"Do not fear," Minjae continued. "I have faith in each and every one of you. You are capable of great things. I will see you all tomorrow."

"Remember we are all fighting a common enemy, the Vietnamese."

The soldiers bowed and thanked the emperor for his words of encouragement. As they dispersed, their heads were held high, their shoulders squared with determination.


"That was an interesting day, wasn't it?" Minjae's advisor, Doyum, asked.

"It was," Minjae agreed. "The soldiers are really coming along."

"I'm glad to hear that," Doyum replied. "They're a good bunch."

"Yes, they are," Minjae said, his voice filled with pride.

"You've done a great job training them, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Doyum," Minjae replied, his lips curving into a smile.

"Now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow will be another long day."

As the two retired for the night, the moon shone brightly overhead, illuminating the camp and luring out the fireflies. The sound of crickets chirping and the gentle breeze rustling through the trees created a peaceful atmosphere.

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