Chapter 2 - Tide Moon Pack

Start from the beginning

Sleep came quick which surprised her and the startling howl of a wolf had her siting up in her bed as the sun rose over the mountains of wood river.

She handed her suitcase to Murray and went to sit in the back. CiCi was in the middle and she was glad of the separation from Carmen. Jane took her seat next to Murray in the front and Carmen slid in the other side of CiCi. It was a tight squeeze as Murray turned on the engine and pulled out of the territory.

Two hours later and they stopped for some food. Faith didn't move from her seat. Jane brought her back a sandwich and water and she thanked her. CiCi had started telling her about her life. It consisted of boys, friends, shifting, hoping to find her mate in the new pack. She never stopped the story to ask Faith anything or even needed acknowledgement from Faith which suited her perfectly. She almost settled into the story as they continued towards the new pack. Carmen never spoke. She caught her staring a few times when she wasn't looking and it unnerved her. Carmen was not as welcoming as her younger sister.

An hour later they stopped for a toilet break at a service station and Carmen spoke to Faith.

"How old are you?"
"Do you have a boyfriend, like a human one,"
"You won't have a mate, only werewolves do."
"Just so you know, me and CiCi will probably find our mates here and you won't have one."

Jane turned around and gave a scathing look to Carmen. Jane turned around to look at Faith then.

"There is a lovely human community outside pack boundaries, we can organise some time for you there."

Faith did not care about boys or dates or other people.

"Thanks but I am not thinking about that. I don't want to meet anyone or anything like that. Being invisible to werewolf men will suit me perfectly."

"Oh you won't be invisible werewolves are super horny and you're gorgeous, probably why Carmen is worried!" CiCi sang and Carmen turned in shock to her little sister.

" I am not, mum tell her I am not??" Carmen roared.

Murray got into the car and gave one warning glance to his daughters. Silence filled the car after. Faith was beginning to like the quiet nice thing Murray had going on. She needed peace and quiet in her life.

Carmen glared at CiCi as she continued her life story for Faith. CiCi was the perfect amount of sunshine to keep Faith from giving in to the pain in her chest and the anxious thoughts about her parents and her old life. CiCi was over sharing every aspect of her life as they drove close towards the new pack. This was a big move for Jane and her family Faith thought. A pack bond was sacred she knew that much. Joining a new pack was a huge undertaking. There had to be something deeper than a transfer request. Faith did not continue the thought. She was here to exist for two years only. She would return to her cosy cottage and quiet life in 24 months. She would try to make as small a mark in this family as she could during that time.

They were close to Tide Moon pack. Carmen began doing her hair in a compact mirror. CiCi laughed at her attempts.

"Oohhh new hair for Alpha Jace."
"So what, I could be the mate he and his pack are so desperate for."
"Maybe but probably not." CiCi replied.
"How would you know, I am 23 and have no mate which means he must be somewhere else. Alpha Jace has travelled to packs and lands in hopes of his mate but never crossed paths with me." Carmen's voice was as hopeful and bright as Faith had ever heard it. She hoped this alpha was her mate as it may just take the bitchiness out of her.

"Alpha Jace's mate will be the most powerful Luna in all the kingdoms. She will be a queen. You're not giving queen Carmen."

CiCi was a mater as annoying her sister. Carmen toon the bait and began hitting at her sister whilst CiCi batted her arms away giggling.

Jane turned and grabbed at Carmen.

"Carmen leave it be. She's winding you up. You may as anyone may be a mate for the Alpha King."

"Alpha King?" Faith asked curiously.

"It's a nickname for him as his pack runs most other packs in the kingdom and his bloodline is that of royalty for us wolves. His mate will be a powerful Luna and they will control most of the entire wolf population together. Every girl, or she wolf dreams of being a queen as such." Jane smiled.

This Alpha seemed like he was big headed. Any man wanted like that would have to be. Maybe that would match perfectly with Carmen Faith thought.

CiCi squealed as the car pulled into the territory of the Tide Moon Pack and the rich land was revealed to them all. It looked fake as they drive through the shrubbery and rivers. It was twice as beautiful as wood river. Murray was using a code on his GPS to find the new house location. The road led them down past the river behind a huge mansion. CiCi watched Faith ogle at it.

"That's a pack house. It's like a headquarters where the Alpha's men live and some staff like cleaners and cooks and other pack members. It's where events and meetings are held. It's central for the pack like a meeting point."

Faith nodded. This wolf thing was confusing.

Murray finally pulled into a stand-alone house at the edge of the river. It was white with blue window shutters and a blue front door. It had a small patch of grass at the front and daffodils grew from the window flower boxes. It was cosy just like Faith's own blue cottage she longed for. As she looked at the house she thought for a split second this may not be so bad for the next 2 years. She could be held up worse places.

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