Revealing Explanations (Chapter 9)

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It was hot.


I sigh loudly, he opens his eye's. We have another one of those staring contests while I walk into the kitchen.

His eye's were barely open, he was a mess, but still somehow managed to look good.

I decide on making a chicken wrap. I really didn't want to do all the work of making a full meal for lunch, but I also didn't want to just eat some snack.

There was chicken in the fridge that I just had to throw in the oven grill for 20 minutes, and the rest of the wrap would be simple.

I questioned myself if I should ask West if he want's to eat one, but again it wouldn't be worth my time, plus he has no right to eat my food. And I'm definitely not making him one by choice, that would be too nice.

We didn't stop looking at each other. He was slouching back, and for some reason had a ghostly smirk on his face.

I was minding my own business, but constantly looking up to see if he was staring at me, which he didn't stop doing at any point, if anything it just got more intense.

I was trying to put on some chilli sauce onto the wrap, but it just wouldn't come out. I tried a few more times until it splattered all over my clothes and white blanket.

I jumped back in surprise, I had a scowl on my face as I tried to wipe away the sauce on my clothes.

The asshole sitting in front of me burst into laughter.

West clutched onto his stomach because of how hard he was laughing. Throwing his head back, still wheezing. I gave him a death stare until he decide to stop. He finally looked up, he had sobered up, but still looked like he wanted to keep laughing.

This was giving me horrid flashbacks, this was how he laughed when he threw a basketball at my nose in 3rd grade because I missed one shot.

This was what he did when he put frogs in my barbie dreamhouse. He laughed for ages while the frogs jumped around, fucking up my perfect toy.

He was the bitch who threw worms at me on my 10th birthday, I still remember every horrible part of it. All of us kids had been playing in the backyard, just moments before we cut the cake, this asshole threw like 10 worms at my face.

He was laughing to the point where he couldn't breath. I was about to cry, as I yanked the worms away. It was a horrible birthday.

Every year, still to this day he threatens to throw worms at me again. Now I'm paranoid, every birthday I have.

It was awful, every time he did shit like this.

He was awful.

And now that we are older, it's a lot more then those harmless pranks.

I can't wait to leave next year, so I'll be away from him. Finally.

The bitch was still laughing, as I wiped away the sauce that was on my blanket with a wet tissue. Could this day get any worse?

I glared at him with one eyebrow raised.

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up" West said, before he started laughing again.

"Fuck you seriously" I curse bitterly.

He had seemed to stop laughing but still had a hint of a smile on his face.

I just continued making my wrap, ignoring him. That was until, his phone rang.

I looked up, to see him stare at his phone with a face full of disgust. He sighed before picking it up. He glanced at me, before getting up and walking out the front door to take the call.

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