CHAPTER 21| Tapes.

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"SEEMS NICE," JULITTE sighs from her spot on my floor. "having someone obsess over you like Andreas does. If I were you, I'd put the hard feelings aside and bang him up as soon as possible."

I give her a side-glare. Does she not have a filter or something? "Well lucky for me, I'm not you. And I don't put matters like this aside. I'm going to get my revenge soon enough." 

At this, she suddenly shoots up with an intrigued look plastered on her face. It probably would've been best if I'd just kept my mouth shut. "Matters like what? Tell me everything," She grins.

"Family things. Nothing interesting, and plus, it doesn't matter," I wave my hands, hopefully trying to dismiss the subject.

"Family things? Don't you have unspoken hatred towards your family or something," She narrows her eyes at me. "plus, what does he have to do with your family?"

Unspoken hatred... I don't think unspoken is the correct word for the hatred I have towards the four. Someone tell me why I'm still actually listening to this girl.

"He just has a bit of a big mouth. Maybe more than a bit. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's like a family-best-friend. Him and Nicholas are like the best of friends or whatever. They're like, always together, according to my spy," I shrug, mostly uncaring. Why do the Italians have to choose such weird, stupid, jarring, ugly people to be friends with. Literally anyone else.

"Ooh, so it's like a.." Juliette trails off, thinking of something with that tiny ass brain of hers. "forbidden-fruit kind of thing!"

Sometimes I wonder how her's and I's braincells are still intact. Every minute I spend engaging with her, I feel like my brains a lot less full of cells. "I— you know what, why are you even in my office? Don't you have designs to finish or something."

"Don't try and avoid the subject, I know you're so into him," She winks 'knowingly'. I genuinely have to stop myself from doing anything.. impulsive. 

"Juliette, please. I think I hate the guy more than I hate the Lauriers combined. There's no chance of him and I, so you can cross it out in your books and move on," somehow, I manage to remain calm and collected. If this were Elliott, a gun probably would've been pulled out along the way.

She narrows her eyes at me, almost as if she doesn't believe what I say. "Yeah, yeah, whatever floats your boat," she mumbles with an eyeroll. "fine, clearly you're still in denial, so I'll be on a mission to find people for you, okay?"

I decide not to answer that. Any answer to that could potentially be setting me up. She seems to specialize in setting people up..

"Don't worry, I'll find you a peerfect hubby to spoil you," She grins mischievously. "even if that peerfect hubby is supposed to be Andreas... you'll notice in due time." 

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