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Amelia went to school the next day as normal and then was picked up by Joe for her therapy session. The drive was silent and slightly awkward Joe and Amelia hadn't been by themselves in a while and it made Joe sad seeing how distant they now were.
Joe walked into the building with her and Amelia was becoming increasingly nervous. Her leg was bouncing and she was playing with her rings. finally, her therapist called for her and they went into her office.

"Hi Amelia, my name is Rylan. I'm going to ask you questions or you can freely talk. we have an hour's appointment, but if need to stop that's okay too. Anything you tell me is confidential unless I have reason to believe you are going to hurt someone or yourself." Rylan explained and Amelia took a seat on the couch.

"So Amelia, Tell me about yourself," Rylan asked.

"Uh- I play soccer for my high school, and that's about it," Amelia said nervously.

"That's fun, tell me about your family?"

"Well it was just me and my dad for a while, and then he got a girlfriend. And then my grandparents."
Amelia answered.

"How do you feel about your dad's girlfriend?"

"I like her, She's very sweet," Amelia replied.

"How would you describe your relationship with her?" Amelia thought for a second.

"I don't know, good?" Amelia watched as Rylan wrote in her notepad.

"How about your dad? Can you describe your relationship with him?" Amelia shrugged.

"It's fine," Amelia said, Rylan wrote on her notepad.

"Just fine?" Amelia was getting annoyed.

"Yep," She replied.

"Ok so tell me about your mother."

"She left when I was 5 but now showed up and she wants to talk," Amelia explained.

"How do you feel about that?" Her therapist asks.

"About her leaving or her coming back?" Amelia asked.

"Start with leaving." Rylan specified.

"I don't know, I guess I have always wondered why she left. But I also don't remember her." Amelia explained.

"And about her showing up. I guess I feel confused and want to ask her questions." Amelia admitted, Rylan nodded and then took notes.

"So you're excited to meet up with her?" Rylan asks.

"I guess." Amelia shrugged.

"OK, let's switch topics. How's school?" Amelia bit her lip before answering.

"Fine. I have good grades." Rylan nodded and wrote something in her notebook.

"Do you have a lot of friends?" Amelia shook her head.

"Just one," Amelia admits.

"Tell me about them." Amelia smiled and relaxed a little bit.

"His name is Grayson and we have been friends since the beginning of middle school." Rylan smiles.

"Can you use three words to describe how you feel when you are around Grayson?" Amelia thinks for a second.

"Safe, heard, and happy," Amelia said.

"Why safe?" Amelia becomes nervous again.

"I don't know." Amelia lies and Rylan can tell.

"What's your least favorite thing about school?" Rylan changes the subject.

=Amelia Burrow|Joe Burrow's daughter=Where stories live. Discover now