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The week flew by and "this Saturday" had turned into today. Amelia got ready for her game and then went downstairs to her grandparents who were waiting for her.

"Ready kiddo?" Her pop asked her.

"Yep, I just need to fill up my water." She replied while opening the lid to her hydro flask. She filled her bottle with crushed ice and then with water.

"Alright, I'm good to go." She said, her grandparents got up from the couch and followed her out the door.

"Are you nervous? This is a tough team." Her Gigi asked from the passenger seat. Amelia took an airpod out to reply.

"No, I think we have a pretty good chance of winning," Amelia said confidently, then put her airpod back in, listening to her hype, music to get her in the mindset.

"Atta girl," Jim said.

"How you are and Mason?" Robin asked, Amelia removed both of her AirPods, realizing her grandma wanted to have a full conversation with her.

"We're good I guess." She replied nonchalantly.

Truth is she hasn't spoken to him all week. She tried texting him a few times asking if he wanted to hang out but he was always busy.

"That doesn't sound too good," Robin said and turned to look at Amelia.

"Don't distract her hon, she's got a big game," Jim said, Robin hit his shoulder.

"I'm her Gigi, I'm not distracting her." She replied,
Amelia laughed at her grandparents who started arguing about why it was important for athletes to " get in the zone" before a game then she put her AirPods back in.


Amelia and her team celebrated their win then Amelia left her teammates to find her grandparents.
Once she spotted them she ran over and they hugged her.

"You did awesome! That goal you made was incredible." Jim said,

"Thanks," Amelia said with a smile, Robin pulled out her phone and showed Amelia the video she had taken.

"I was so happy I got it on camera. I sent it to your father but he hasn't responded yet." Robin told her.

"That's a cool video Gigi, can you send it to me?" She asked.

"Of course," Robin said then sent the video to her.

"Let me say goodbye to my team then we can leave for ice cream," Amelia said then took off running back to her team.

She said her goodbyes, nice jobs, and good games, and then left with her grandparents to get ice cream. it was a tradition for her and her grandparents to go get ice cream after every win and even when she loses.


"Your Gigi sent me that video of you at your game. That was really impressive, I couldn't be more proud of you." Joe said as they were eating dinner.

"Thanks, Dad. if we win our last two games we will qualify for the championships." Amelia said with excitement mixed with nerves.

"That's great Millie, I know you guys got this." He encouraged her.

"Dad you haven't even watched us play," Amelia said but quickly regretted it when she saw her dad's face fall.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." She apologized.

"It's fine, You're right I haven't. But I have full confidence in you and I know you will play your hardest." Joe said, then took both of their plates to the sink.

=Amelia Burrow|Joe Burrow's daughter=Where stories live. Discover now