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The drive was silent until they pulled up to Amelia's house. Mason turned off the car and looked at Amelia.

"Amelia, you need to tell your dad what happened tonight." He tells her gently.

"I can't," She replied.

"Millie, please listen-" He tries but she doesn't listen.

"No Gray, I can't... please. Just don't tell anyone, I'll handle it on my own okay." She says.

"I can't just not do anything, ignoring that you were assaulted doesn't mean it didn't happen Millie." He said letting his emotions get the best of him.

Amelia bit her lip at his comment and then opened the car door.

"Millie wait I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He apologizes getting out of the car too, Amelia takes off his jacket and hands it to him. She then walks to the bush she hid her hoodie in and puts it on.

"I'm sorry Amelia." He said and Amelia stopped walking to the door.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone Gray. It's not for you to tell... I shouldn't have told you in the first place." She said quietly, Everything in Grayson wanted to tell her no and that if she wasn't going to say anything he would. But he also thought it wasn't his place.

"Ok Millie, I promise." He hesitantly let out.

"Just- I'm here for you Amelia. I always have been." He said. Amelia doesn't say anything back and goes inside.

She gently shuts the front door and tries to top-toe past Her dad and Olivia who were sleeping on the couch.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Amelia freezes, Joe carefully gets off the couch trying not to wake up Olivia and crosses his arms.

"It's almost one o'clock in the morning. And you are just now coming home?" He said sternly.

"Sorry Dad, we fell asleep during a movie and lost track of time." Amelia lies, She could see the disappointment on her dad's face.

"Really?" He asked, Amelia nodded.

"Because after eleven thirty I called Vanessa's dad, And he said Vanessa was spending the night at Emma's house." Amelia became increasingly nervous.

"So don't lie to me Amelia, where were you?" He asked, Amelia started fidgeting with the strings in her hoodie.

"Dad I-" He cut her off.

"Amelia Rose Burrow, answer my question." Tears filled Amelia's eyes.

"A party," Amelia mumbled, unable to look her dad in the eye.

"A party?" She nods.

"Amelia, I am very disappointed in you, you went behind my back and lied to me. You're grounded. you go to school and practice that is it. Olivia or I  will pick you up. Give me your phone." Amelia pulls her phone out of her pocket and hands it to him.

When she handed him the phone he could smell the smell of alcohol. He added parental controls. Then handed the phone back to her. Instead of fully taking her phone Joe just adds parental control and removes her ability to get on social media apps and games so that all she can do is message him and family.

"Do you want to tell me why I smell alcohol on you?" He asked in a calm voice, Amelia started sobbing.

"I'm sorry Dad, I'm so sorry." She broke down, and Joe sighed.

=Amelia Burrow|Joe Burrow's daughter=Where stories live. Discover now