- Lorelai Nash headcannons

Start from the beginning

- this time Lorelai proved she's a badass and fought her way out, leading him down to the metro link where the 118 were waiting and Athena shot him before she helped in the search and rescue for Harry

- In season six is where we start to see the trauma finally catch up with Lorelai she develops an eating disorder that's hinted at throughout the season but doesn't really take shape until season seven.

- this is the season she gets really close with everyone and moves in with Buck

- season seven is where we find out they her eating habits have gone too far and it causes a lot of health issues for her

- she's openly bisexual has been all of the show and was linked to a woman called lexi (portrayed by Lucy hale)

- during the cruise ship disaster she goes to find Cory and helps save him despite her huge fear of water

- In Buck bothered and bewildered she's on the basketball court with Jessica and Jordan when the incident with the basketball happens and she's over there to pull Buck away and tell him to knock it off

- during the fire at the school she shows up and sneaks into the school through a window to try and get people out (this was before the fire department turned up)

- she has a close bond with Buck and Eddie

- she's like an aunt to Christopher

- am older sister to May and Harry

- she is frequently seen at girls night with Athena, Hen and maddie

- she loves baby Jee

- when provoked Lorelai is one of the most dangerous individuals you can come across

- anger issues

- has been arrested for a minor offence of vandalism to an exes car

- Athena sees her as a second daughter

- Lorelai begins happens in season seven once she's admitted for her eating disorder after she collapsed at home falling down the stairs and Buck had to break down her door (the episode delved into her past, her days as a high school cheerleader, her state of mind in that time and college.)

Lorelai and Bobby Nash Headcannons

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Lorelai and Bobby Nash Headcannons

- Lorelai saves Bobby in a way, her turning up gave him reason to live and have someone to live for

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